School Bash

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The next day around 5:00pm the gang headed out to the school early to decorate and really change the place up. Tiara retrieved the items from out the janitor's closet and brought them to Leo so he could decorate the cafeteria, Jason went to the store to buy party food while Tyler tagged along with him. After 45 minutes of decorating, every inch of the school looked unrecognizable. It looked like a gigantic warehouse built for teens. Around 6:58pm the front of the school was already crowded with tons of teens eager to get inside. Jacob brushed off his shirt heading over to the front double doors.

"Welcome everyone to da first eva schoo party/sleepover!", Jacob yelled as everyone cheered, running into the school with sleeping bags and blankets.

For the first hour everyone ran around the school getting drunk, high, or just dancing crazily as the music blasted throughout the entire school. Tiara was in the principal's office sitting on the desk with the door locked as Leo hovered over her. Tiara wore some black leggings with neon pink babydoll shoes along with a pink neon crop top and silver hoops. Leo wore a blue plaid button up shirt with black Levis and some blue and black Jordan's.

"You liked my little teaser the other day?", Leo grinned slipping in-between Tiara's legs.

"Actually yeah, but I wanted to return the favor...", Tiara said as she wrestled with Leo's pants.

"Woah woah, wait!", Leo yelled pushing her hands away. "I vowed not to ever get head unless it's from my wife, I don't like to disrespect women.

"I thought I was your future wife?"

Leo leaned in kissing Tiara as his left hand traveled behind her head.

"You are, but I still want to wait till marriage, but me giving you head?", Leo chuckled. "I can do that whenever you want me to."

Tiara blushed at the comment as they walked out the room to go get some snacks. Everyone thought Leo and Tiara were the perfect high school couple. They always made time for each other, they were open to each other, and they trusted each other. But one person was beyond jealous.


Ever since the day he met Tiara on the bench he liked her, that's why he hung out with her so much. But once Tiara slowed down their friendship, it eventually came to a halt. Ryan vowed revenge on all of Tiara's close friends. That meant Leo, Jacob, Tyler, Jason, Amber, and a few of her enemies like Mercedes and Suzie. Ryan had a brilliant plan to seek revenge, all it took was 7 yeses.

Around midnight everything started to whine down. Teens were sleeping on the steps, classroom desks, the middle of the hallway etc. Jacob was on one of the cafeteria tables holding a slice of pizza in one hand and was wearing a crown that said 'Party King'. He snored as other teens were scattered around him. Jason and Tyler were in the senior hallway sleeping against the lockers and Tiara was on the Dean's comfy couch with Leo as he laid right behind her. Some teens were still partying, but as 4:36am came around the school fell silent. At 8:35am everyone slowly woke up, barely remembering anything about the night before.

"How the hell I get in school?", a emo boy asked as he cuddled with his gay lover in the boys locker room.

"I think we were at a....a party last night", the other boy responded rubbing his temples.

Tiara woke up to see Leo gone, so she folded Leo's blanket and went searching for the others.

"Jacob?", Tiara said walking down the deserted hallway. "Leo?"

Tiara continued to walk as she went down some stairs, seeing Jacob high fiving students as they left out the school.

"Nice party man...", a girl said winking at him.

"Crazy party bro!", a boy said obnoxiously.

Once the school was emptied out, the only people who were left was Ryan, Tiara, Leo, Amber, Jason, Tyler, Mercedes, and Suzie.

"We gotta get dis place cleaned up", Jacob said as he passed out mops, brooms, and other cleaning supplies. "Get ta cleanin!"

Everyone scattered around the school mopping, sweeping, and wiping everything down. After an hour of cleaning everything was back to normal. Tiara met up with everyone in the front of the school on the front lawn.

"Ight y'all, tell me what y'all did", Ryan asked licking his lips.

"I fucked dis one girl in da closet", Jason cheered. "Her pussy was hella loose doe but it was free pussy so..."

Leo shook his head as the guys stared at him.

"What about you Karate boy? Fuck Tiara yet?", Tyler asked crossing his arms.

"No, I didn't MAKE LOVE to her", Leo said correcting him. "I'm waiting till she's fully ready."

"Nigga don't nobody do dat shit nomo!", Ryan yelled. "We fuck N duck!"

"There still are SOME gentlemen around here", Tiara grinned patting Leo's back.

Everyone grew silent, waiting patiently for anyone to speak up.

"Anyone find out what happened wit Brit?", Jacob asked in a worried tone. "I haven't seen my baby or ha in a long ass time."

"Her parents contacted the police, and after 3 months they filed her as a runaway and closed the case at that", Tyler said lowly. "The officers said that since she had a baby at an early age that she probably freaked out and ran off somewhere."

Everyone grew silent again as Ryan put his plan to work.

"So I'm having a party at my house and I was wondering if y'all wanted to come."

Tiara exchanged glances with Mercedes and Suzie and the guys did as well. No one really wanted to go because of how wild Ryan was.

"When is it?", Leo asked.

"Tomorrow night. 7:00pm sharp."

"We'll be there Ryan", Jacob nodded. "All of us."

"Sweet!", Ryan said excitedly walking off. "See y'all later."

Everybody went their separate ways and went home. Tiara drove with Leo back to his house since Tiara's parents weren't home from their trip yet. Tiara held Leo's hands shaking tremendously.

"What's wrong baby?", Leo asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm ready."

Leo squinted his eyes as he backed out of the student parking lot.

"For what?"

"To make love with you."

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