"We made it!"

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During the next 3 months, Leo and Tiara did nothing but spend time together. They went to the movies, went to Amusement Parks, they even ended up taking a trip to Florida for a week. Then the day was finally here.

Leo's Graduation.

Leo was dressed in an all white suit and his long silky hair was laid as it drooped on his shoulders in a wavy style. His mother, Sharon, wore a simple blue dress with her black hair up in tight bun. And of course Tiara wanted to match with Leo, so she placed on a white dress that went a little above her knee, and her hair was curled up with a white flower band around her head.

Tiara sat in the audience shaking in her seat as the principal called off over 400 names.

"Hannah Gonzalez."

A Mexican girl raised from her seat smiling as she raised up her graduation gown trying not to trip over it.

"That's my baby girl!", her mother yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"Alex Harris."

A black boy with slits in his eyebrows and a juice cut shot up from his seat. He waved to his parents and little sister in the crowd as he received his diploma and walked back to his seat.

After over 300 more names, Leo's name was finally called.

"I am happy to announce our Valedictorian, Leo-"

Even before the principal could finish saying his name, the entire auditorium went into an uproar. Leo started blushing as he slowly got up and walked over to the principal to get his diploma.

"Now I'm going to let Mr.Valedictorian say a few words", the principal smiled, patting Leo on the back.

Leo took the microphone from the principal as he shook his hair out of his face. His eyes landed directly on Tiara as he started to speak.

"Most people think High School is all about Three things", Leo said smiling. "Sex, partying, and drugs."

A few people from the audience chuckled as Leo continued.

"But it isn't. For me, high school was all about Learning, having fun, and staying focused. Yeah, I partied a lot and went through a lot of things. Hell, I even went as far as almost getting expelled for something I did."

A few teens began to cheer Leo on, leaving the adults confused. Of course, he was talking about the party they had threw at the school.

"But staying focused and always being positive got me through my four years. Also, my amazing girlfriend kept me sane through all the pressure. Tiara Williams."

Tears filled Tiara's eyes as everyone turned towards her and cheered. Sharon gave her a tight hug as she blew a kiss at Leo.

"I have one more thing to say also", Leo said looking down. "With that special someone beside you through it all, the pain seems worth going through."

Leo held his diploma up as everyone applauded. He was finally off to college.

Which meant he only had a few hours till it was time for him to go off to college.

Leo's family took him to his favorite restaurant, AppleBee's.

Leo shared a laugh with his family as his Aunt Claire pinched his cheeks.

"My nephew is growing up!", she mocked laughing. "And His girlfriend is beautiful!"

Tiara blushed as she glanced down at her plate in front of her.

"Why, thank you."

For the next 3 hours, Leo and his family laughed about the old times, discussed about his future, and had deep serious conversations about current events.

At 10:46 pm, Sharon dropped Leo off at Tiara's house so they could spend their final hours together. They both changed into something more comfortable as they sat cuddled up in front of the television.

"I'm going to miss you", Tiara said as she laid nestled in the crook of Leo's neck.

"Don't worry, I'm going to make sure I call you everyday, and we can meet up at least twice a month on a weekend."

"You know, we aren't going to see each other for awhile since you're taking summer classes too...", Tiara said seductively.

Tiara grabbed Leo's package as she bit her bottom lip. Her parents were out since it was a Friday, and she wanted to do one last thing with Leo before he left....

Tiara's sweaty body was shaking tremendously as Leo thrusted a few more times.

"Yesssssss...", Tiara moaned lowly with her eyes closed.

"I love you Tiara...", Leo rolled off her, covering their bottom halfs with her blanket.

"I love you more...", she whispered. "And Leo?"


"You made it", she said still trying to catch her breathe. "You graduated from high school, you're headed off to college to do something great with your life now."

"I couldn't have did it without you Tiara", he smiled. "So technically, we made it."

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