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"WHAT?", Tiara yelled getting up, looking for her clothes. "I-I was drunk, this had to be a mistake!"

Tyler rolled over to his side to get a better look at Tiara. He was hurt, because he thought this way he could win Tiara over. But once reality set in, he grew angrier by the second.

"You didn't like it?"

"Like it? I don't even remember it!", Tiara shouted, fumbling to zip up her jacket. "How could you do this to me if you KNEW I was drunk?"

Tyler opened his mouth to defend himself, but he couldn't think of anything. He was wrong. He knew Tiara was drunk and he still decided to have sex with her.

"I can't believe you...", Tiara shook her head. "I'll see you whenever Tyler...."


Tiara turned around with an attitude as Tyler covered his bottom half, fumbling to his feet.

"T, I'm really sorry! My hormones just took over and-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!", Tiara shouted as tears fell from her eyes. "Did you even use a condom?"

Tyler's eyes lowered as Tiara began to cry. Their was now a small chance she could be pregnant now. She pushed him causing Tyler to fall back onto the bed.

"Fuck you Tyler, I never want to see you again", she said lowly, slamming his bedroom door as she left.

Tyler couldn't do anything now. He knew he definitely lost Tiara forever. Nothing he could do could make her forgive him.

Meanwhile as Tiara walked home, she thought about Jacob's daughter, Jasmine, and Britney. Jasmine is 1 year old now. She couldn't just let Jacob go years without seeing her, so she called Jacob up so they could meet up and find her.

"So, you're sure that she lives Here?", Jason said as we all glanced at the small shack.

Tiara called the Insane Asylum and they told her she moved out 6 months ago. But they gave Tiara her current address, it was 3 hours outside of Chicago.

"Yup, this is the exact address."

"Well let's get this over with", Amber said as she approached the door and knocked on it.

"It's open!", we all heard Britney's voice yell.

Amber shrugged and turned the knob. When we walked in, we saw that the only furniture in it was a couch, and one bed with a refrigerator. The paint on the walls were peeling and their were a few bugs in the corner.

Jacob squinted his eyes as he walked into the shack. Tiara grew up in a nice home so she wasn't use to seeing a run down house like this. Jason exchanged a look with Jacob as everyone slowly walked in.

"Britney?", Tiara yelled as she shut the door behind her.

Britney came walking out of the bathroom. Her once long, blonde, and luxurious hair was now, frizzy, flying everywhere, and a little shorter than usual. She had on a pink bathrobe and some matching slippers.

When Britney saw Jacob, tears filled her eyes instantly. This was the man she had loved, the onlt person who actually cared about her, the father of her child.

"Jacob?", Britney said running over to him.

She fell into his arms and they hugged for awhile, till a small sound interrupted them.


Jasmine came crawling out of the bathroom holding her Teddy bear close to her. Her blonde hair was now down to her shoulders and her dark brown eyes were wide open like she was having a sugar rush.

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