Baby Daddy Drama

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After Britney went through 13 hours of labor, Jacob was finally holding his baby girl. Everyone stood in the delivery room awwing as Jacob cradled his daughter in his arms.

"I...I caint believe I'm holdin mah first child....", Jacob said as he began to tear up. "I think Imma name you Jasmine..."

All eyes were on Jasmine as she laid in Jacob's arms asleep. She had Britney's blonde hair that sat in a curly nest on her head and Jacob's dark brown eyes.

"Can I see my grandbaby?", Melinda asked in tears.

Jacob nodded, handing her over, Melinda instantly began to talk baby gibberish as she showed John his first grandchild.

Britney was out cold from all the pushing, no one wanted to wake her up either so they let her get some rest.

Leo glanced over at the baby and smiled at Tiara as her stomach turned. She knew she was too young for a baby, and her mind was far from it. But Leo only had one year of High School left before he went off to college, so he was thinking about starting a family soon. As everyone sat in the room passing Jasmine around, Adam was in the far corner furious. His jealousy had took over. He hated seeing everyone pass Jasmine around like a mini football. He hated the fact that Britney cheated on him AND had a baby by another man.

The next day was Saturday, so since Britney's father still refused to let her move back in so she had to stay at Adam's house for a little while longer. Still a little sore, Britney carefully put Jasmine down for a nap in her pink crib. Adam entered the room and walked over to Britney staring down at Jasmine.

"Isn't she beautiful?", Britney asked looking up at Adam then back at Jasmine.

"Yeah, she a cute one."

Adam couldn't hold his anger in anymore, he pushed Britney violently on the floor causing her to fall into her empty boxes she used to move all her things into his bedroom.

Britney struggled to stand on her feet as Adam back slapped her, making her fall face back down on the floor.

"Why did you cheat on me Brit?", Adam asked kneeling down next to her. "Can't answer huh?"

"I-I'm sorry A-Adam...", Britney stuttered still facing the floor as blood trickled down the corners of her mouth.

"Now, I don't give a fuck how sore yo ass is, go take a shower and get ready for sex, Now!", Adam demanded.

Britney crawled to her feet without saying a word and did as Adam said. He was tired of Britney and her wild ways.

Back at the DoJo, it was early morning so no one was there, except for Leo and Tiara.

"It's too fucking heavy Leo!", Tiara whined trying to lift the barbell.

Leo cracked his knuckles, lifted his barbell, and hovered it above his body as he gave Tiara an angry look.

"Show off ", Tiara said crossing her arms. "This is too hard!"

"It's easy, let me show you."

Leo took a few weights off the barbell, setting it back in front of Tiara.

"Now just bend your knees."

Tiara rolled her eyes and did as instructed.

"Then take a deep breathe and grip it as tight as you can", Leo demanded crouching down by Tiara.

Tiara sighed and gripped the barbell tightly using both of her hands.


"Then carefully lift it up above you knees, then stand up lifting it up to your neck, then finally above your head, but do it slowly."

Tiara shook her head and lifted the barbell without a problem this time. She lifted it above her knees a bit, then stood up holding it at shoulder level aligned with her neck, then she finally lifted it above her body.

"Excellent!", Leo said standing up clapping.

But Tiara didn't respond, she threw the barbell down and sat criss cross on the floor with a saddened look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm TIRED!", Tiara yelled as Leo helped her up to her feet.

"Well, we can order a pizza?", Leo suggested grabbing a towel from off the bench.

"Or, we can do something fun!", Tiara cheered.

"I'm listening", Leo said wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Let's get drunk!"

Tiara had picked up this trait from two people, Ryan and Jacob. Which means she was spending a little too much time with them.

"You know I don't drink", Leo said as he packed up his Duffel bag.

"Oh come ooooon!", Tiara begged. "I PROMISE I'll try to stay at least a LITTLE sober!"

"Just one drink?", Leo questioned giving her a serious look.

"Yes! Then we can order a pizza and some hot wings", Tiara said kissing Leo.

Leo chuckled as they left the DoJo and made their way to Tiara's house. She did stick to her promise about just one drink too.

"So, you ain't lie to big daddy huh?", Leo smirked, kissing Tiara on her neck as they sat on the couch together.

"You know it...", Tiara said as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Tiara loved when Leo teased her, and he knew all her spots. Leo worked his way down to her breast as Tiara began to moan a bit.

"Mmmm Leo....."

Leo went back up to her lips, placing his right hand on the back of Tiara's neck as his left hand traveled under her shirt. But before anything got too heated between the two, someone knocked on the front door. Tiara broke away from Leo giving him a stunned look.

"Who's knocking at my door this late?!", she groaned, walking up to open the door.

"Tiara....", Tyler said out of breathe with Jason standing behind him. "We ran over here as fast as we could!"

Leo jogged over to the door wrapping his arm around Tiara's waist.

"What's going on?", Tiara questioned in confusion.

"We was at my house smokin N shit, when we gotta call from dat prissy bitch", Jason explained.

"Britney?", Leo asked tightening his grip on Tiara's waist.

"Yeah Yeah her!", Tyler said wheezing a bit.

Tiara put her hands on her hips as Jason and Tyler continued to try and catch their breathe.

"Well what happened?"

Jason glanced at Leo then to Tyler then to Tiara.

"Jacob got arrested."

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