Three Is Enough

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Jacob decided to spend the night over at Tiara's since he was too lazy to walk home. Tiara got up and went downstairs for breakfast, walking in the kitchen to see Rose setting down plates on the kitchen table.

"Morning mom", Tiara said as she took a seat.

"Morning honey", her mother said as she reached for her purse."Now I have to get to work, I'll be back tonight so have fun today."

Rose planted a kiss on Tiara's forehead before heading out. Jacob came downstairs, scratching his now messy hair as he took a seat in front of Tiara.

"Aye T, where's yo dad, I need to borrow his tazer", he said in a sleepy tone.

"He had to work overtime last night down at the station, he'll be back later", Tiara said nibbling on her Bacon.

Tiara looked at Jacob eat his waffles with his hands, gobbling it down in seconds. She thought it was cute the way he ate like a pig. Jacob felt her staring at him, so he glanced up, seeing Tiara blushing a bit.

"Why yo cheeks so red fo'?", he questioned.

"I'm just a little hot, that's all."

After breakfast Tiara took a shower and curled her hair, also putting on a little make-up. She placed on the blue floral dress Britney picked out for her at the mall with some black flats with a white flower on the toe part. Jacob walked in wearing a red beader with some cargos and his white air force ones with a red and white snapback turned backwards.

"So, you ready?", Jacob asked standing next to Tiara.

Jacob pinched Tiara's face making her feel a bit uncomfortable. Millions of thoughts flooded Tiara's mind as she smacked his hands away and began to tremble.

"Whoa, is you straight T?", Jacob asked, scrunching his eyes as he backed away.

Tiara rubbed her temples and sighed deeply.

"Yeah, let me just call Leo."

After Tiara called him he arrived at the house fifteen minutes later. Tiara got in the front seat as Jacob crawled in the back not looking Leo's way. Tiara flashed Leo a smile as he smiled back.

Inside the club there were people dancing, drinking, and laughing everywhere. The place was dimly lit with rainbow colored lights flashing around. The three got a Booth in the far corner of the club not trying to draw attention to themselves. It was no ordinary club though, you had to be between the age of 13-18 to get in.

"I invited Jason N Tyler since you bought yo lil friend along", Jacob said sitting next to Tiara.

"Three is enough Jakey, this was suppose to be a nice little-"

"No it's fine Tiara, the more the merrier!", Leo cheered sitting across from the two.

"So dude, you like Tiara or sum cuz if you playin ha yo ass can get ta steppin right Nah", Jacob snarled crossing his arms.

Leo glanced at Tiara, then back a Jacob. He knew how close they were and he didn't want to get in the way of that.

"No we're just friends."

Tiara had gotten fed up with Jacob's over protective personality. She had to do something before it got out of hand.

"Would you like to dance?", Tiara asked Leo, holding out her hand.

"I sure would."

Jacob got up letting Tiara slide out of the Booth. Leo grabbed Tiara's hand leading her towards the dance floor. Jacob gave Tiara an angry glare shaking his head. She had no idea why Jacob didn't get along with Leo. Leo placed his hands on Tiara's waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes with lust.

"Why doesn't your friend like me?"

"He's just over protective, other than that I don't have any other reason", Tiara said rolling her eyes as Leo twirled her around.

"Did you go to Britney's party the other day?", Leo asked.

"Yeah don't remind me, I had an awful time", Tiara said in a saddened tone.

Leo's grip tightened around Tiara's waist as he lifted her off the ground, swinging her around. He then leaned downwards forward as Tiara laid in his arms smiling.

"It's because I wasn't there right?"

Tiara and Leo shared a laugh as he brought her back up, slamming their bodies together. Tiara jumped as she saw Britney and her crew walking in. Tiara grabbed onto Leo's shirt kneeling down so Britney wouldn't spot her.

"Uh, what's going on, are we playing hide and go seek?", he questioned as he looked around.

"SHHH! Just go back over to the Booth slowly", Tiara whispered.

If Britney saw Tiara, she would find a way to use Leo against her. Leo wrapped his arms around Tiara's waist as the two walked back to the Booth to see Jason and Tyler sitting there with Jacob.

"Hey Tiara", Jason said waving at her.

"I told you Jacob, three is ENOUGH!", Tiara snarled.

Jacob put his hand on Tiara's shoulder shaking his head.

"Just calm down T, they came on dey own."

"Oh hi girly!", A voice said behind Tiara.

Everyone turned to see Britney, Mercedes, and Suzie standing, all of them were wearing the same pink fitted dress, except Britney's had a white stripe wrapped around the waist.

"Hi Britney", Tiara said in a bummed tone, clutching more onto Leo's arm.

"Who's your boy toy?", Mercedes asked stepping up to him.

Leo blushed a bit, looking down at Tiara. He knew how the three were because they all started High School together, they didn't know each other personally though.

"I'm Leo."

"Well, I'm Britney", She said pushing Mercedes out the way. "Would you like to dance?"

"No, I actually wouldn't", Leo said shaking his head.

Britney broke Tiara's grip on Leo as she stepped up towards the Booth, eying Jason with a flirtatious look on her face. Suddenly Britney leaned in, kissing Jason forcefully.

Tiara grabbed onto Britney's hair, watching her fall back on the floor bumping into a waitress carrying two drinks to a table. The drinks fell down on her, ruining her hair and her pink dress.

"Ooooo shit Tiara, yo ass got pretty jealous huh?", Jason said standing up over Britney.

"No, I just don't like hoes kissing all over my friends!", Tiara yelled. "I'm not about to be your girl toy anymore Britney, you need serious medical help!"

Mercedes and Suzie helped Britney up, watching as the glass fell off of her. The drinks also made her mascara begin to run down her cheeks.

"You're a bitch black girl...", Britney mumbled low enough so only Tiara could hear her.

"Get out my face right now."

Britney glared angrily at Tiara, storming out of the club. Ever since that incident, Britney swore revenge on Tiara.

Last One StandingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz