Sex 101

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Ryan's plan was starting to slowly come into place. His house was huge, it was located way up on the north side of Chicago. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a laundry room, an attic, and a sound proof basement along with a huge backyard. Ryan was sitting in his room when his mother entered, spraying on perfume.

"Ryan some of your friends are here", his mother said gripping on her purse tightly. "I'll be out late tonight, make sure they don't stay long, you have school tomorrow."

"Okay mom....", Ryan said writing in his notebook.

As his mother walked passed by the gang, Ryan was at the top of the stairs noticing that two people were missing.

Tiara and Leo.

Meanwhile, Leo carried Tiara upstairs to her bedroom, bridal style. Tiara laid in the crook of Leo's neck, shaking as he gently laid her on her bed, closing and locking the door. Leo dimmed the lights and turned on the song 'Wet The Bed' by Chris Brown and put it on repeat.

"Are you sure you're ready?", Leo asked sitting on Tiara's bed as she sat up.

Tiara put her hand on the back of Leo's neck and nodded.

"Yes, I'm ready."

They smashed their lips together as they let their hands roam on each others bodies. Tiara unzipped Leo's pants as he stripped her from her shirt. Once they were both completely naked, Leo laid Tiara gently down and covered their bottom halfs with Tiara's large blanket as he placed his right hand under her chin.

"Are you sure you're ready my princess?", he asked in an innocent tone.

Tiara nodded and Leo kissed her on the nose.

"Please be careful", Tiara begged as Leo hovered over her naked body.

"Tiara, I would never hurt you, I'll be as careful as possible."

Tiara let out a frustrated sigh and gripped onto Leo's huge biceps as he slid his tip in.

"Wait!", Tiara shouted as she reached in her nightstand drawer.

Leo pulled himself out and gave Tiara a weird look.


Tiara swayed a condom wrapper in front of him as she grinned.

"Don't be silly, wrap your Willy", Tiara said giggling.

Leo laughed and took the condom from her, placing it on carefully as he shot Tiara a small smile.

"Ready?", Leo asked.


Leo placed his tip in once again, feeling Tiara's walls tense up instantly as she tucked in her lips.

"It's alright Tiara, the pain will turn into pleasure soon, I promise."

Leo stroked a few more times and Tiara was still tensed up.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, keep going."

Leo stroked a few more times and pleasure washed over Tiara's entire body. Tiara ran her fingers through Leo's hair as she let out small moans.

"Oooohhhh Leo.....", Tiara moaned as he sped up the pace a bit.

"Yes Tiara.....yeeeeeees.....", Leo moaned as he nibbled on Tiara's neck leaving purple bite marks.

Tiara's hands traveled from his hair to his back, sinking her fingers into it as Leo let out a small scream.

"SHIT TIARA!", Leo yelled out as he bit his bottom lip.

Sweat began to form on Leo's forehead as the time passed by. After 20 minutes, both of their bodies were drenched in sweat. They were letting out their sexual frustration on each other that they had built up inside.

"Leo,.....yes, don't stooooop!"

Another 20 minutes passed, they were about to reach their climax.



They both moaned in unison as Tiara felt the condom get really hot. Tiara, breathing heavy, kissed Leo on his forehead as he laid his head across her chest.

"I love you Tiara", Leo said with his eyes closed.

Tiara couldn't believe it, but she actually loved Leo back.

"I love you too, Leo."

Tiara heard her phone vibrate on her nightstand so she reached over and looked it, it was a text message from Ryan.

Ryan: Forgot about me? :(

"Shit Leo! Ryan's party!"

Leo's eyes shot open as they both wrestled out of the bed. Leo took off the condom and was about to throw it away when Tiara snatched it out of his hand.

"I'm keeping this", Tiara smirked as she tied it closed and tossed it in her purse.

"Tiara that's disgusting!", Leo said smiling. "Why?"

"I want to remember my first time", Tiara said shrugging as she put on her clothes.

"Tiara, you're a hot mess, but you're my hot mess", Leo said in a corny tone laughing.

"I hate corny jokes", Tiara said laughing as she fixed her hair.

After they got redressed, Leo drove to Ryan's house, to their surprise all the lights were out.

"Maybe they're trying to surprise us", Tiara shrugged as they walked up to the front door.

Leo knocked on the wooden door and waited till Ryan opened it.

"Follow me."

Leo gave Tiara a weird look as he took her hand, stepping into the large house. Ryan shut the door and it became pitch black dark again. Ryan pushed Leo and Tiara down some stairs as they heard a door open.

"Have fun."

Tiara tripped down the stairs with Leo trailing behind as her face hit cold concrete.

"What the-"

Before Tiara could finish her sentence, someone flicked on the light. As Tiara's eyes adjusted to the light, she saw all her friends standing in front of her with worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on?", Leo asked sternly helping Tiara up.

Jacob slowly walked up to them, putting both of his hands on Tiara's shoulders.

"Dat cra-cra ass nigga trapped us down hurr!"

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