The Trip To Death

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The next day all Tyler did was try and convince Tiara to go on the trip to New York with him, but nothing worked. He even tried calling Leo, but no answer. So he called up everyone on a Sunday night to go over to Tiara's house for a sleepover, but she was unaware of it of course.

Tiara was on the couch watching Family Guy in her orange Furby booty shorts, black socks, and black tank top with her hair in a messy bun when she heard a knock on the door. Her mother was asleep upstairs and her father was working a late shift at the police station, so she wondered who it was.

Tiara groaned, getting up to look through the peep hole. Standing there were Jason, Jacob, Amber, and Tyler. Tiara opened the door with a puzzled look on her face.

"Hey Tiara", Amber said holding up her pink blanket. "I hope you popped popcorn."

It was a little chilly outside, so Tiara scoffed, inviting everybody inside.

"I never sent you guys a text saying I was having a sleepover", Tiara shook her head, sitting on the love seat.

Jason played with Tiara's bun as he sat on the arm of the chair in his Spiderman PJ's.

"Yes you did, and by the way, you're ass looks great in those shorts", Jason said nudging Tiara.

Tiara stood up throwing her hands in the air.

"What are YOU doing here?", she pointed at Tyler as she crossed her arms. "Is there something you aren't telling me?"

All eyes turned to Tyler as he scratched his head, wearing his Batman Onesy.

"Tiara I can explain", he said holding up his hands.

Leo walked in through the front door in some fantastic four PJ's. He walked up to Tiara with a furious look on his face. He was still heated from what Tyler did to Tiara.

"Explain Why the fuck you sent all of us on a blank mission, now", Leo said sternly as Tiara held her arm out, separating the two.

"I want all of us to go to a trip to New York", Tyler admitted. "But you and Leo kept saying no."

Amber and Jacob jumped in their seats as they gave Tyler a huge bear hug, basically squeezing him to death.

"That is so sweet!", Amber squealed.

Jacob put his hands in his pockets, walking in between Tiara and Tyler.

"Why exactly is Leo so angry at Tyler?", he asked with his eyebrows scrunched up.

Tiara sighed out of frustration, shaking her head. She really didn't want to explain the entire thing to Everyone, so she just brushed it off.

"Nothing...", Tiara said wrapping her arm around Leo.

"So...will you finally say Yes so we can book a flight to New York tomorrow?", Amber said batting her eyes.

Tiara rolled her eyes, then gave Tyler a death stare as he gulped, putting on a small smile. She then turned to Leo, he was still staring at Tyler, so she sighed facing Tyler also.

"Yeah I'll go, we'll book a flight tomorrow morning."

The next morning, they all got on the 1:30 pm flight to New York. Tiara was relieved because the flight was only an hour and a half, so they made it there in no time. Once they got off the plane and received their bags, Tyler called a cab to take them to a hotel, or so they thought. Tyler had a plan to take them to an abandoned and lock them away till he thought about his next move.

Once they finally arrived at the warehouse, Leo gave Tiara a weird look as Tyler paid the cab driver.

"Is this a hotel?", Leo asked, wheeling his luggage.

"It sure don't look like it is", Jacob said sniffing a bit. "It smells like sewage."

Tyler walked up to the double doors, pushing them open. Jason was the first to walk inside.

"I'm tired as fuck, c'mon so I can take my ass to bed", Jason said lowly.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders and proceeded into the building. When Everyone stepped inside, they couldn't see a thing, but a small elevator on the other side of the room. Amber quickly turned around towards the open door, but Tyler quickly closed.

Leo dropped his bags as he wrapped his arms around Tiara's waist. Everyone gasped as they all squinted in the darkness.

"What the fuck is going on Tyler!?", Leo yelled.

"Lights out dumbasses."

Tyler quickly went through His bag to receive a gas mask, placing it on as he pulled out some rat poison spray. He began to spray it all over the place, back and forth till the can was half empty.

Everyone began to cough up a storm as Leo tried his best stand up, his grip on Tiara loosened as he fall against a wall, hitting his head hard. Tyler waited till their was no more coughing, and dragged all the bodies to the elevator. He pressed the button to the sixth floor as he slung his bag of deadly weapons over his shoulder.

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