36 - Wishes do come true

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Sloane grabbed the bottle from the kitchen and poured them each another glass. He rarely drank but took one more sip.

"I loved her but was convinced she was too young." He told his story. She listened as he described the night he was with another girl at a party and Kim ended up drunk with his teammates.

"Kenzie and Jett never knew. I always expected her to tell someone, but I don't think she ever did."

"Do you think if she had been with you she wouldn't have become addicted?"

"If she hadn't had Maisy, she wouldn't have been on painkillers."

"I hurt my knee skiing when I was twenty. I had to have surgery and took pain pills for a couple of days. I didn't get addicted, because I don't have those genes. She would have probably become addicted at another time, in another way. Maybe she would drink too much while left alone because you travel all the time or she might have injured herself like me. Kenzie said they all tried to save her. Do you think you could have saved her?"

"Yeah, maybe, but I avoided her. I felt guilty and when it got really bad, I was disgusted. She was a horrible mother, and it was Kenzie and Jett who took care of her baby even when they weren't together. They avoided each other for years, but they both had time for Maisy."

She had seen him look at Maisy. "You don't hate her, do you?"

"No, but she reminds me of her mother."

"Because she looks just like her?"

He nodded. "Today she ran just like she had. You don't hate me?"

"No. I don't even think it was your fault. Granted, I'm biased because I love you."

He stared at her and his eyes clouded up. "I don't deserve you, but I'm pretty sure I love you too."

She smiled. "Pretty sure?"

He nodded. "It's kind of new for me."

"Fine. Let me know when you know for sure."

"Is that when you'll let me have your gorgeous body?"

She shook her head. "My wish has come true. I wanted you to trust me, to share your pain with me."

He smiled. "I wished to be worthy of your love."

"Bea will be happy our wishes came true. Oh except, I made another wish right after I met you. You still owe me too." She had almost forgotten.

"What do I have to do?" He distracted her by kissing her.

She pulled away, feeling hot and uncomfortable. "I have to take these boots off."

"Can I?" She smiled and nodded as he tugged on the leather and the first boot slipped off. He ran his hands up her leg before he took the second one off. She didn't mind when he laid down next to her as they continued to kiss.

He pulled back. "If I don't leave now, I'm not going to."

She wanted him to stay. "Don't."

He looked at her face. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. After all the ball was by her bed.

Sloane had spent more time than she ever should have fantasizing about what making love with Ben would be like. Reality was better than she imagined. He was gentle and attentive. His body was incredible, and he claimed to be out of shape.

"You don't want to know how often I dreamed of your legs wrapped around me."

She smiled. She wasn't the only one fantasizing. He sat up and groaned. "Don't move. I'll be right back."

She watched his perfect behind as he walked naked to the bathroom. She unabashedly stared at the front of him when he returned.

"I can't believe this is here by your bed."

She sat up. He held his picture. "How else could I kiss you each night before going to sleep?" He laughed, but she jumped out of bed. "Hold on."

She fished through her laptop bag.

"What are you doing?"

"It's time for me to forgive you once and for all."

She stood and picked up the baseball, which was also by her bed. She held it out to Ben with a pen. "Here. I've been waiting for the cast to come off."

He laughed. "This is it. All you wanted was for me to sign your ball."

She smiled. "Having you sign it naked is a bonus. Now my first wish has come true."

"You made a wish in the fountain for me to sign your ball?"

"Yes, you hated me so I wasn't going to waste a wish for you to love me."

"You should have."


"Wished for love because I love you. A signature is all you ever asked me for."

She moved against him. "I'll want more from you."

"What's that?" His mouth hovered over hers.

"Your body."

"I'll gladly share."

"Can I have the photograph now?"

"Nope, but you can visit my bedroom to see it."

"Just to see it?"

He shook his head. "To sleep over, too."

His mouth found hers. They could talk later.

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