22 - Two left feet

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Sloane watched as Ben walked away. The minute he left, Kenzie pounced.

"What did he say to you?"

"Something like 'if you want to' but if you do wear a nice dress."

Kenzie snorted. "Like you wouldn't know how to dress."

Sloane knew he meant a different kind of 'nice'. Even Teddy had teased her that as her older brother, he should take a few ogling men outside. Although he tried to hide it behind the dirty looks he was giving them, Ben was one of those men.

When Ben returned, Sloane discovered Kenzie was a more annoying little sister than Tori if it were even possible.

"Too bad you don't know how to dance."

"Like you do?" Sloane bit her lip as Ben snapped at his sister.

"Chris taught me." Sloane had heard her refer to her husband by his first name, but he was Jett to his friends.

"Jett, you know how to dance!" Ben seemed to struggle with this news.

"Sure. My folks taught me before my cousin's wedding when I was about twelve. I'm sure we don't look like Sloane and her brother." Jett smiled the more Ben scowled.

Kenzie jumped up. "Sloane should teach you!"

She shook her head. "You should. Dancing with your brother is a rite of passage."

Jett sighed. He had been leaning in the doorway between the room the kids were in and the one with the adults. He stood up straight and walked to Sloane and reached his hand out to her. "Come, we'll show him."

She smiled and looked toward Kenzie, who shrugged. When she stood and took his hand, he put his other hand on her waist. He led, and she followed. She had danced with worse. His legs were muscular, but his movements weren't clunky.

"Benji watch our feet. One, two..." He counted out their steps.

Kenzie made Ben get on his feet and danced with him. "Ouch!" She jumped back. Ben frowned. "You've got two left feet."

"I told you I wouldn't be any good."

Jett had released Sloane. She knew she could teach him, but wasn't sure she could handle the close proximity it would require. She regretted her words the moment they leaked out. "Let me try."

Ben stared at her, but Kenzie had other ideas. She pushed him towards her. "The whole point of this is so you two can dance together."

He wasn't keen to put his hands on her, so she took his right hand and placed it at her waist. Holding her hand with his left was harder because of his cast. They stood with a gap between them thanks to their long arms.

"Watch your toes." He forced his words through gritted teeth.

"I'll lead."

He groaned. Sloane stepped back and put pressure on his back so he stepped forward, but when she stepped forward he didn't step back and she walked into him. She could feel the heat rising into her cheeks and stepped back away from him..

"Try this. Stand across from me and keep your hands by your side. Now look at our feet. Just do the opposite of me."

She stepped back, and he stepped forward. He followed her. "Now concentrate on the pattern. Muscle memory."

He did better. She encouraged him to look up, but instantly regretted it. She felt like he was studying her. He tripped up a few times, but got the hang of it. Once she felt certain, she added their arms again. His hand was warm on her back.

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