4 - A Wish

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Dom shook his head at Sloane when she met him in the lobby. "Why are you smiling?"

"Guess who I had dinner with?"

"Prince Harry?"

Sloane laughed. "In Missouri!"

"Harry Truman."

"He's dead."

"I give up. Our ride's here."

"You're no fun." She bumped her hip into him.

He smiled at her. "You know that's not true, but it's too early for guessing games."

He held out his hand and like a gentleman, helped her in the car. It was unnecessary, but he was convinced he'd be stuck working alone if she broke her ankle in her heels. He should know by now she could run through an airport in three inch heels.

As Dom slid in beside her, she saw Ben Lynch standing on the sidewalk looking at her. He wore running clothes, and she couldn't look away from his legs. They were amazing. Sloane poked Dom and pointed. "Him!"

"Isn't he your middle school heartthrob? He is hot. Do you think he might be?"


Dom smiled. "A boy can hope."

"A girl can too. They were in the bar last night. I'm not sure how it happened, but they invited me to join them." She remembered but chose not to share the part about Tex.

"So did you flash your baby blues and get a date?"

She looked at her lap and shook her head. "He thinks I'm a crazy fan."

"Honey, you are a crazy fan."

"You're not helping!" She hit his arm.

"Come on, fangirl. We have work to do."

Things were looking up for Sloane and Dom. By five o'clock on Wednesday, they only had loose ends to tie down. Confidently, they booked flights home for Thursday afternoon.

"Come on. We're going to the ballgame."

He shook his head. "I don't like sports."

"You're coming. Have you seen how hot baseball players are? Watch the game or just the people. I don't want to go alone."

"Are you paying for my food?"

Sloane nodded. Sloane could afford anything she wanted and not because of her family's wealth. Their employer compensated her well for her expertise. Because she was rarely home, she still lived with her parents but had a plan to move into one of the condos built by her brother's company in an old mill complex. Even that was frivolous since she was only home on weekends, if then.

Once they arrived at the ballpark, she found the will call window. "Jett. Um... Christopher Jett left me tickets. I'm Sloane." She felt her belly tighten hoping he hadn't forgotten.

"Sloane. Yup, here you go."

The man handed her an envelope.

To my friend Sloane.

C. Jett Boston #20

She smiled. She had his autograph.

"Come on. Time for hot dogs!"

Dom stopped walking. "You like hot dogs! You don't even eat sausage."

"I only eat them when I'm at a game."

Walking through the concourse, Dom pointed. "I'll have the sausage."

When they made their way to their seats near the visitors' dugout, the game was already underway. After Jett's first at bat, she called his name as he returned to the dugout. He looked up and waved. She smiled. Too bad he was married, or she'd be crushing on him. She had when he was single, before the team traded for Ben.

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