7 - Whittled your way

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Ben wasn't going home to eat room service when he could have a meal with his family, and he hadn't had a chance to visit his father since before their last road trip. He and Jett left the clubhouse together and drove in their own cars. Jett pulled into his garage, but Ben parked in the driveway. The neighbors were respectful and gave them the privacy they deserved. When Jett lived in the house alone, none of the neighbors knew he lived there. That changed when Maisy moved in. She was a kid, so she played outside and took the bus. Neighbor's children probably ran through their house. Ben imagined sticky fingers and dirty feet. Kenzie loved every minute. Ben couldn't believe they wanted to have another kid. The one they had was a handful, even if they denied it.

He greeted his father first. He still called him coach, and they exchanged a quick hug. He didn't hug his father's wife, but smiled. "Hi Betsy."

"Nice game, Ben." He only had one hit but made some good plays.

"We've been talking to Kenzie's friend." Coach pointed to Kenzie.

"What's she doing here?" His question came out in a harsh whisper.

"Your sister invited her. What's wrong with you?"

"She's an overzealous fan."

Jett appeared. "Are you being rude again? It's my house, and I asked my wife to invite her."

Thanks to Jett, Ben felt like a jerk. His father patted his back. "You need to trust. Not all women are like your mother, just like not all ball players steal wives."

"Good thing for Jett you finally let him near your daughter."

"Hey, I'm giving him grandchildren. I might just be the favored son."

"I'll gladly give you that title." It was not a secret Ben wasn't a fan of kids.

Kenzie called to him. "Hey Benjy, do you know Sloane?"

He didn't have a chance to answer. "We've met." Her reply was reserved. He couldn't tell if she disliked him or if he made her nervous. Her glass shook in her hand.

When the little destruction ran near her, she smiled a thin smile. She wasn't impressed either. He found himself smiling.

The dinner conversation turned into a lively conversation about some of the recent changes to the game. Jett was not a fan of video review of plays. As a first baseman, they ruled more in his favor, and so Ben liked them. To his surprise, Sloane argued with him against Jett. Kenzie watched, amused. He suspected his sister would have thoughtful arguments for both sides. She wasn't afraid to argue with her husband. Perhaps the company stopped her.

Maisy turned to Sloane, and she smiled at her. "What grade are you in?"

Of course she liked kids and could talk to them. "Fourth."

"Fourth grade. I think that's the grade my friend, Jonathan and his friends used to spy on me and my friends on the playground."

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing. Maybe playing four square or practicing cart wheels."

"Did they stop?"

She nodded and smiled. "My older brother told me to follow them around instead. They got annoyed and stopped."

"So you did the spying." Maisy smiled.

"Students were always complaining about spying on the playground." Kenzie smiled at her daughter. "Do kids do that at your school, Maise?"

Maisy shrugged.

When Sloane looked up, pink crept into her cheeks. He couldn't figure her out.

Jett asked, "Are you traveling again?"

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