34 - Hot stove

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Receiving the phone call from Ben's mother unnerved her. She was excited to have a potential client calling. After Sloane announced herself, there was a pause.

She was just about to hang up, when the caller spoke. "Is this the woman who is dating my son?"

The question shocked her and she mumbled she must have the wrong number. The woman identified Ben, and Sloane thought she was a crazy fan — ten times crazier than her.

"We should plan a dinner so I can get to know you. My Benny would love it."

Everyone called him Ben or Benjy, but never Benny. Sloane knew something wasn't right. The churning in her belly warned her.

"Benny will call you. I need to get back to work."

She might have overreacted by calling Ben over and over. The more she tried to reach him, the more worried she became when she couldn't. By the time she called Kenzie, her pulse was racing, and she was sweating.

Dominic came back from his meeting with the network team and knew something was wrong.

"What d'you find? Another breach?"

"No." She looked around, but they were alone. "Some crackpot called me claiming to be Ben's mother. I couldn't reach him and started worrying. I called Kenzie, and she said the crackpot probably was their mother."


"I called him at least ten times. He'll decide I really am crazy and break up with me."

Dominic laughed. "He won't break up with you before he has the chance to get some of what he's been drooling over."

"He has not!"

"Oh sweetheart, he has."

Waiting until the following night to see him felt like forever. Dominic had convinced her she hadn't put their relationship in jeopardy.

He sent her a text. Come over. I'll cook.

She wouldn't miss the chance to see Ben Lynch in the kitchen. She went straight from work and regretted it. Ben wore jeans and a tee shirt with bare feet. He looked incredibly sexy. She took his left hand in hers and touched his cast-less arm with her fingertips.

"How does it feel?"

"Good and working out feels great. I'm sorry."

Her pulse quickened, but it might have been because he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him.

"Sorry for what?"

"For that woman upsetting you. She always wants money, and I refused to give her any. She probably recognized your name and wanted to try her luck. Angela fell for her sob story."

"What happened?"

She listened as Ben told her about finding his mother in his hotel room. "That is part of why I was glad to move. Thanks to you."

He leaned in and kissed her. "Why were you with her?" Sloane pulled away. "Don't answer, I saw you staring at them."

He pulled her back to him and gazed into her eyes. "You are sexier than her."

His hands moved from her waist to her hips. He brushed them close to her buttocks as he pulled her closer to him. Her breasts pressed into his hard chest and her nipples tingled. His lips found her neck, and she lifted her chin to give him more of it. Her head was swimming and her body was on fire. They had never been this heated. Dom's words filled her head, and she abruptly pulled away.

He looked at her with stormy eyes. "Sorry. I lost control."

"Everyone keeps telling me how you look at me. I know you want me, but it will make it harder for me when you decide next week or the week after you don't like me anymore."

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