32 - An onion

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"Kenzie mentioned something about your mother, but she didn't elaborate." She had blamed his trust issues on their mother.

Sloane saw that familiar look on his face. She wanted to hug or kiss away his pain. Instead, she stood and began clearing the table. He stood too and carried his plate. "I can do it."

She smiled. "One handed. How about three hands and we'll get it done quicker?"

He walked up to her and put his good arm around her and pulled her to him. She licked her lips in anticipation. He reached his cast up and gently touched her necklace.

"You're wearing it."

"Every day."

He smiled, but his face grew serious quickly. He stood staring into her eyes, so she leaned in and put her lips on his. He joined in and she felt her heart pounding. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers.

"Tell me I don't have to wait a week before I see you again."

"I don't plan to work late every night."

"I can come to you and save you the drive home."

"Will you mind if Dom's around?"

He shook his head. "I just want to be with you."

She saw the look again and was certain someone he loved hurt him. She wanted to protect him from being hurt. She kissed him again to kiss his hurt away. She felt the heat between them rise. Pulling apart, she cleared her throat.

"We were cleaning up."

He nodded and turned to the cluttered counter. "Do you want to put them in the dishwasher and I'll put the food away?"

They worked silently, and she took a sponge to wipe the table and the counter while Ben watched her.

She looked at him with a smirk. "What?"

"I'm surprised you're so good at this."

She laughed. "The Calhoun children had to clear our own plates. We did chores, including helping to clean the kitchen. Does that surprise you?" He nodded. "We weren't as pampered as you would expect." She didn't tell him they would fight over whose turn it was.

"How long can you stay?"

She looked at the time on the microwave. It was already nine. "An hour. I need some sleep."

They talked and kissed. When it was time to leave, she had to force herself to stand up.

Ben ran his right hand through his hair. "Are you okay?" She worried she had stirred up his past.

"I wish you didn't have to go."

Truthfully, she wanted to stay and spend the night in his arms, but it was too soon. She wasn't looking for a fling. She wanted his heart.

"Let's get to know each other better. If you're an onion, I've only gotten through your tough, dry skin."

The look was back, although he recovered quickly. "What do you know about onions? You don't cook."

She smiled. "I've watched others and I may have chopped a vegetable or two in my life."

"You know onions smell and make you cry?"

She smiled. "Until you cook them in a hot pan and then they taste sweet."

"Why do I feel like you want to torture me?"

She laughed and shook her head but didn't have a comeback. Instead, she kissed his cheek and left.

Sloane woke on Sunday with a busy day ahead. At least she didn't need to pack her suitcase. Still, she had to pick up Dominic. First she had brunch at her parents'.

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