30 - Wishes

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Sloane watched the dark shadow cast over Ben's face before he made his wish. She'd seen it before. Repeatedly, when she asked him personal questions, he changed the subject. It was obvious he held pain inside.

She held her coin and shut her eyes. As she threw the coin, she wished Ben's pain would heal, and he'd share it with her. She let out a breath and turned to Ben.

"I think we're both too serious. I have a gift for you and I'd rather give it to you in private."

Her belly flipped. She hadn't wanted him to buy her a gift.

"It's in the pocket of my..."

She reached into the right-hand pocket and pulled out a small square box.

"I couldn't wrap it. Go ahead."

She took the lid off and smiled. Inside was a necklace with three intricately detailed tiny gold leaves. She had spent a few minutes admiring it at the silent auction and considered bidding on it. "I love it. How did you know?"

"I watched you and knew you liked it."

"I liked the photograph too."

He laughed. "You said I could have it. You can come see it anytime."

"Anytime?" She teased him.

He kissed her and whispered as his lips brushed behind her ear. "Anytime."

She hugged him. "You're cold. Let's go back."

The house was warm, and she slipped off his jacket and passed it back. She took a glass of wine and he put his arm around her.

Bea came over to them, smiling. "How was your walk?"

"We'll let you know if our wishes come true."

"They always do. Mia waited six years, but most come true quicker."

"Don't tell Tori." They walked away, and she explained to Ben how Tori had been waiting for her first love to come home since she was eighteen.

Kenzie and Jett approached. "Where were you two?"

"We went for a walk." She didn't want to explain the fountain to them.

"I like your doctor's wife. She has a son who's younger than Sean."

"She's a Jett fan too." Sloane bumped Ben's hip when she spoke.

"They can't all like me." Ben smiled, and she wanted to kiss him.

"So are you two going steady?"

"Kenze!" Jett warned his wife to watch her mouth.

Ben laughed. "Don't worry. They argue for foreplay. It's sick."

Kenzie looked like she wanted to argue, but Jet blushed. Sloane laughed. She had never seen Jet embarrassed, and it was adorable.

"You two did your share of arguing." Kenzie wagged her finger.

Ben tightened his grip on her waist. "I think we're done not getting along."

It was her turn to blush. She led them into the dining room where the buffet was laid out. Rosa had outdone herself, but Martina had helped. There was a platter of her favorite spicy shrimp.

"Try these. They're my favorite."

She smiled because both men filled their plates. They sat together at the table. While they ate Noah and Brenna joined them.

Noah said, "I'm not sure who I should apologize to. I didn't know it was a secret you were a Calhoun."

Sloane laughed. "It's okay. I just like being Sloane, the crazy fan, not the rich girl."

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