chapter 14

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*2 months larer*

I walked into alex calssroom and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He did his cute blushing thing and hugged me.

I gave him his starbucks cup, that i got for him and sat down before class starts "sooo, i saw jack at starbucks". Alex smiled, but, it wasn't a sad one. "He uhm...he has a new girlfriend..." i said lowering my voice a bit.

Alex smiled again "good for him" he says in a genually happy tone.

I stood up "you're not uhhm...?" "What?" He asks. I look down "angry, jealous, sad?" I ask.

Alex stood up as well and wraped his arms around my waist "no, you know why? Becouse i have the most amazing girlfriend!" He kissed my nose.

"HAYLEX!" jenna shouts before entering the classroom. Alex pushed me away quickly. "they know..." i say kinda careful cuz im scared for his respond

Alex sits back down "who else knows?" He asks. I play with his hair his hair "only them..."i think about jenna's dad but decide not to tell him, cuz it'll probably freak him out.

Alex looks at them "okay, i need you to promise me that you won't tell annyone! This could get me fired!".

Jenna smiles "pinky give me an A on my next test".

Hayley gave her an evil smile "he won't, unless you want me to tell your dad about you and vic in the school bathroom doing...".

Jenna put her hand over hayley's mouth "I won't tell annyone! Promise!"


"Guys..." i say as i lay down on the ground in jenna's house "if you're in a relationship, when is it time to know, do the..." jenna and cass gave me a questioning look.

"Have the sexy time" i say, my face turning a bit pink.

Cassadee sits down as well "rian and I what...2 months?".

Jenna walks in with a bottle of coke "vic and I 2 weeks" jenna says "how long have you been going out?".

I think about that question for a while "2 months, but i mean he's a teacher and i'm im underaged and...i don't know man...".

And again, jenna's dad walks in "yes jenna, i heard that" he says before jenna could open her mouth and ask if he heard that. He opens his beer and points at the kitchen "can i talk to hayley for a second?".

I stand up and go to the kitchen with him. He sits down on the counter and thinks for a few seconds before he speaks up "listen, i'm not your dad but...i care about you and, i want you to think about this really good, do you really wanna do this?".

I grab a coke from the fridge and sit down on the kitchen table "do what?".

He scrathes the back of his neck "uhm...sleep with your teacher" he says a bit awkward.

I laugh a bit nervous "I uhm...i dont...i think..." my face is about as red as my hair by now.

He takes a sip from his beer and looks at me "you dont have to answer me but, i just care about you and i want you to be careful".

I smile and mumble a thank you before leaving.

~authors note~

Short update but here ya go.

I wanted to let you know that i started a fandom oneshot story thing, so you can go check that out if you like, and i wanted to thank you for reading this, i never thought aannyone would actually read this but yaaay!

Thank you byeee...

*awkward silence*

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora