chapter 29

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Hayleys POV

the door to mr. Gasarth's classroom opened and Cass and her parents left. T hey didn't look angry or anything so I assumed the concersation went alright. Jenna and her dad walked in now and I knew I was next.

When they were inside I was left alone, and I just stared at the wall for a few minutes when Patrick sat down next to me. We were silent for a few minutes until he spoke. "Where are your parents?" he asked. I didn't know what to say so I just went with: "Not here". Patrick got the hint that I didn't wanna talk about it so we were silent a bit longer. "Where are yours?" I asked. Just when Patrick wanted to say something his parents walked up the stairs. they looked like the perfect parents, happy, nice, they looked like they loved eachother.

"there they are" Patrick sighed. "Oh hi Patrick!" His mom said "Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" she smiled friendly at me so I smiled back.

Patrick sighed again and pointed at me "Mom, dad, this is Hayley. Hayley, these are my parents". His parents both shook my hand while I politely said "Hello mr. and miss. Stump, I'm Hayley". "Aw, you look so nice, I'm so happy you're friends with Patrick" his mom mumbled smiling to herself while stroking my hair. They made me smile so I tried to be as friendly as I could. They sat down on the chairs Alex had put there and started talking to eachoher (I could hear it was about me, and how nice I was).

"Are you nervous?" Patrick asked me. I nodded "Yeah, I dont't why". that was a lie. I was scared Billie Joe was going to start asking about Alex and me. Patrick smiled, trying to give me hope "It'll be okay!" Ha said.

Pete also walked up the stairs with his parents and smiled when he saw me and Patrick. "Hey!" he said to us. "Hello mister and mi..." Patrick's mother gave Pete a look I didn't really understand before he corrected himself "I'm sorry, Hello Patricia and David." Patrick chuckled, wich made Pete stuck out his tongue at him.

The door opened and a very pissed of Jenna walked out. her dad however didn't look angry at all. He smiled at me as a sign that it was my turn now. I followed Alex and Billie Joe into the classroom.

"So..." Alex sat down "Hayley is doing great". That's when I realized how long it has been since I had talked to him. I've been avoiding him and now that I am talking to him, I realize how much I had missed it.

"It's just math that's a bit of a struggle for her but that's it" he finished and looked at Jenna's dad. he was obviously trying not to look at me. Billie nodded "That's great!". "How are your things with your mom?" Alex asked still not looking directly at me.

"Bad as always" I simply said. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked FINALLY looking directly at me. Damn, I missed those beatiful brown eyes. "UUh. no not really" I managed to say while staring at him. Suddenly I felt the sadnes come back.

"So," Jenna's dad started "I heard you're new to this school, tell me a bit about you, you know, the methods you use...". Alex smiled friendly a him "Ofcourse, well, i'm close with my students, I like to know what they do after school, who they hang out with, that stuff. that way, I'm always on top of things".

"Don't you mean, on top of them" Billie Joe softly said. "I'm sorry, what?" Alex asked. "Do you sleep with all you students or just her?" He asked loud and clear this time. And there we have it, the thing I was scared of.

Alex face went a dark shade of red and his jaw dropped a little "I-uhm..." He looked like he did not have a single clue what to say. Jenna's dad leaned in closer to him "Yeah, I know about it" he calmly said "You don't just sleep with her and then break up with her. you treat her wiht respect, and at least explain why you did it!"


this was just fucking marvelous, I had to stay tomorrow after school to talk to Alex, who is prbably going to be even more pissed of then he already was.

When I finally reached my bedroom, I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. Yes I missed Alex but, to be honest, I already knew why he broke up with me. he told me he couln't handle this, with him being my teacher and me being his student, but I just knew he'd rather be with Jack.


Alex' POV

When I got home, I took of my jacket and entered the living room, where Jack was laying on the sofa, reading a magazine. I sat down on top of him and sighed "Hey babe" I said while kissing his nose. He smiled and pulled me down, so I was laying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips "hey darling, what's up?". "Just parents being parents" I sighed. Jack smiled and kissed my jaw. he flipped us over so that he was on top of me.

He kissed down my neck and finally took of my shirt. That's when I stoped him "Jack, I really gotta tell you something..." I said and tried to sit up but failed cuz Jack was on top of me. "I love you too" Jack whispered in my ear and started to kiss from my ear down to my colarbone. That wasright before he lifted me up and out me back down on the bed.


"What did you want to tell me?" Jack asked, trying to catch his breath. I sat up and just started to cry. Jack looked worried and wrapped and arm around me "Oh god, did I hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head "No, but I'm about to hurt you" I cried out "I cheated on you".

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)Where stories live. Discover now