chapter 7

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~authors note~

This isn't my artwork but i liked it soo..


"Awh" Cassadee squeeled "you look so cute". Hayley smiled a bit shy and spinned around. She was wearing a short black dress that was open on her sides. Her orange hair was straightened. (It's the AP award dress btw :P )

"I love your dress too" cassadee smiled and continued doing her hair. When she was done hayley and cass left hayley's house. Jenna's dad promised to bring them.

When they arrived, jenna opened the door. She was wearing a black ripped up skinny jeans with an against the current shirt.

"Jenna?" Hayley asked "where's your dress?".

Jenna shook her head "let a woman wear whatever the fuck she wants to wear".

The doorbell rang and Hayley opened the door. Brendon's boyfriend, ryan, walked in and hugged brendon who was sitting at the diner table "are you ready?" He asked. Brendon nodded and kissed his cheek "I am, but they aren't" he said pointing at cass, hayley and jenna before taking another sip of his glass of milk (im so so so so sorry for that)

Hayley's face lit up "i have an idea" she said smirking. Jenna shook her head "i'm not a fan of idea's anymore" she mumbled. Hayley smiled "jenna, do you remember my abbey dawn dress from last year?".

The look on jenna's face changed from angy/sad to happy and excited "YES!".

"if you come with me to get it you can wear it"


30 minutes later Hayley, Brendon, Ryan, Cassadee an Jenna (in Hayley's dress where ready to go.

Billie joe walked in and pointed at the door "come on, i got you guys a car to go...well car..." he smirked and ran outside enthousiastic like a little kid.

When they came outside, there was no car standing infront of the house. It was green day's tourbus.

"That's how we're gonna go to the prom?" Cassadee asked confused. Billie smiled proud "jup!".

"Awesome..." ryan mumbled smiling.

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)Where stories live. Discover now