chapter 4

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Hayley gave alex a dead glare. She was so done with his shit. She looked around in the class.(lets play a game called: guess the bandmember) There was a guy covered in tattoos and had dark brownish hair. He was wearing a shirt that said: Drop dead.

There was another girl with long blonde hair. She had a lot of black eyeliner around her eyes and she was wearing a black leather jacket with a Metellica tanktop underneath it.

There was another blonde guy with a snapback and a nose ring. He was kind of cute. He wad wearing an of mice and men sweater and he smiled sweetly at Hayley.

Pete and Patrick were there too. They were tickeling eachother while listening to pete's Ipod.

In the back of the class were two other guys. One of the had a beard and tatoos and the other one black hair, a cute smile and a red beanie. "Jeremy! Taylor!" Hayley yelled whilre settig herself down in the empty seat in from of them next to the guy with the nose ring.

"Hayley, what are you doing here?" Taylor asked. Hayley smiled and shrugged "I wanted to buy coffee here but turns out there is a math class here"

Jeremy smiled and ruffled her ginger red hair "you wanna get starbucks after?" He asked. Hayley smiled "Only if you pay".

She turned around and looked straight into Alex eyes.

"Oh, Hi" she said awkwardly, her face turning almost as darker red than her hair. "Hella Hayley" He said while handing here a worksheet "if you need help, just ask Patty and if he can't help, ask me".

Hayley was a bit confused now "Who is Patty?" she asked. The guy next to her waved awkwardly at her "Hi" he said. Her cheeks became even darker red "hey".

She looked at the worksheet and sighed. This was gonna be a long hour.

After a couple of tries Hayley gave up "Can you help me?" she asked Patty. He smiled and looked at the paper in front of her. "I have no fucking clue" He then said.

"oh, okay thanks" she said before putting her hand in the air. Pete who was just walking past her gave her a high five. Damn Pete was annoying sometimes.

FINNALY Alex saw her hand and went over to her "sup?" he asked. "I would like to have two pizza's and a coke please" she said. Alex expression was really confused "Wut?".

Hayley smiled "Just kidding, I don't get this..."

Alex smiled back and bent over her (o_O) "Okay, so basicly what you do is..." Hayley could feel his warm breath in her neck. It gave her goosebumps. After a few minutes of Alex talking shit she didn't get AT ALL, the bell rang. Alex went over to the blackboard and wrote down 'see you next week'. (round of aplause for Alex please).

Hayley stood up and packed her stuff "Let's go" she said to Jeremy and Taylor.


When they arrived at starbucks, Jenna and Taylor (who worked there) weren't even paying attention. They were watching Sherlock on Jenna's laptop.

"Hi" Hayley casually said. Jenna and Tay both looked up "Oh hi!" Tay said "the usual?"

(okay, to make things easy, I'm calling Taylor Jardine Tay and Taylor Jork just Taylor for now)

Hayley nodded "yeah, thanks".

Tay smiled at her. Okay maybe Hayley did like Tay a bit.

They all sat down at their usual table while Tay and Jenna brought them their coffee "So how was your date with Alex?" Jenna asked.

Hayley tried to cut her off by shaking her head and pointing at Jeremy and Taylor but it was too late. "ARE YOU DATING MR. GASKARTH?" Taylor yelled so loud the old lady who was knitting in the corner gave him an annoyed look

"No!" Hayley said "It's just..." "you have a crush on him right?" Jeremy asked.

Hayleys face turned red again "no...". Jeremy smiled "I saw the way you looked at him".

"What?" Jenna asked confused "you guys were there too?". Hayley looked at her green nailpollish "Yeah, there were like 10 other kids there".

Jenna and tay burst out in laughter and not much later Jeremy and Taylor started laughing too. At first Hayley couldnt laugh about it, but sitting here thinking about was kind of stupid of her to think it would be just her and Alex so she started laughing a bit too.

The lady in the corner eventually annoyed she left...

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें