chapter 22

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We (jenna, josh, cass, patrick, pete, tay josh and jeremy) ordered our food and all sat down. We were just eating and talking when I noticed Alex and Jack walking in. They were just holding hands and looking really cute and talking and it really bugged me. So again, I tried to ignore him.

"have you lads heard it?" Josh, who was sat at my left, asked "marvel bought spiderman back eh". Jenna's jaw droped and squeeled "SUPERFAMILY".

"What?" Pete asked. "Omfg" and so Jenna startes trying to explain to pete what shipping was. I think it ended with Pete thinking Jenna was a boatmaker or something.

Jeremy, who was sat at my right, noticed me staring at Alex again "you miss him don't you". I sighed and looked at him "I miss him like crazy".

"Girls only read comic books to get nerdy guys" pete said while wraping his arm around Patrick's shoulder.

Taylor smiled "true, but sadly Chris Hemsworth hasn't noticed me jet."

Jenna smiled "plus we read it for the gay ships...AND BECAUSE WE FREAKING JUST LOVE COMIC BOOKS!".

Pete smiled at tried to put his big mac in his mouth all at once "i lvike patvick beacbouse he wreds cvomic bookss!" Pere tried to say but instead ended up spitting his food over cassadee whi seemed really annoyed. "I defenetly agree on that with you" Tay said "but i think it would really help if i knew what you're saying."

Pete choked and laughed sheepischly "i love patrick because he reeds commic books" he said. Patrick blushed and put his glasses firther up his nose "only because i read commic books?" He said.

Pete smiled and pressed his nose against Patrick's "no, also because you're adorable, and sweet and cute, and..." Patrick cut him of bu kissing him on his lips. Awh they were so cute.

I looked back at alex who was now sat at a table with jack. He hadn't seen me yet, so that was a good thing.  Suddenly he looked up and saw me. And i did the stupidest thing I could have done.

I grabed Josh's face and kissed him right on the lips.
*authors note*


I didn't check check dubble check these last two chapters cuz i wanted to update and i'm really tired so...just so you know that.

Thanks you for voting and being lovely and stuff. It means a lot Okay imma gonna sleep now...

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن