chapter 9

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Hayley still felt very awkward after what happened but she hoped Alex really thought she was drunk. she sat down in her seat while Cass started talking about the party. appearantly Rian walked her home and kissed her.

the bell rang as a sign that class was supposed to start but Alex still wasn't here. the class started talking and Pete considered ordering pizza again. "Hayley, do you want pizza too?". Hayley shook her head. she felt sick. At that moment Jenna ran in "I'm so sorry mister Gaskarth I was..."when she saw that Alex wasn't there, she started smiling "earlier than the teacher" she said while sitting down and giving Vic a kiss on his cheek.

After another 5 minutes Alex still didn't arrive. "shouldn't we go to mister Hoppus?" Patrick asked since he didn't wanna get into trouble.

exactly at that moment Alex walked in. he looked awfull. his hair was a mess so he was wearing a beanie. he had dark blue circles under his eyes. his eyes were red and it looked like he had been crying. he was completely out of breath, since he probably ran to his class.

"I'm so sorry" he said while sitting down. pete sighed and put away his phone while mumbling a silent "fuck".

" can do something for yourself, I gotta do some things..." Alex mumbled while getting his laptop and some books from his bag. he opened his latop and started doing something. Pete imediately raised is hand "Can I order pizza?" he yelled.

Alex stood up "Pete" he whispered "Can you for once, just for once not ask that? you ask me that every day and the answer is still no". Pete sat down looking a bit disapointed. Jenna raised her hand too "mister Gaskarth, are you all right?" she asked. Alex sat down again "yeah, I'm fine..." he mumbled gettting he attention back to his laptop.

Cassadee truned around "how did the party end for you guys" she asked. Jenna smiled "My dad picked me up when his show was done. so we just went home." Cassadee looked at Hayley "How was your dance with Josh? you look cute together" Cass said winking. "JOSHLEY!" Jenna screamed. that earned her an annoyed look from mr. Gaskarth.

Hayley fake smiled "I told Josh to dance with Lizzy, since I found out he really liked her". Vic nodded "Yeah, Josh told me, She rejected him, the poor boy is heartbroken". Great, like that made Hayley feel better. she told Josh to talk with his crush, he got rejected. then she kissed her teacher, who rejecter her. and now he is fucking depressed, this was the best day ever!

"WHY DID HE JUMP OF THAT ROOF?" Pete yelled while staring at Patrcks phone screen. when Patrick noticed that Jenna, Vic, Cass and Hayley were staring at them he smiled "I made him watch Sherlock..." He said pointing at Pete. "HOW CAN HE DO THAT TO JOHN?''.

the hour passed VERY slowbut FINALLY the bell rang. everybody stood up and left. when Hayley wanted to leave, Alex called her back. she told Jenna to wait for her in the cafeteria. she went up to Alex' desk and smiled "Yeah".

Alex stood up too "Do you remember what happened at thee party?" Alex asked. Hayley gave him a questioning look " not really, Jenna brought alcohol and...I'm sorry, please don't telll mister Hoppus?" she lied. Alex smiled "I won't" he said "You danced with me and then you left, I was wondering if you were okay".

'Liar' Hayley thought. Alex tried to smile but it enden in a kinda sad smile. "Alex, are you really okay?" Hayley asked. Alex sat down and burried his face in his hands. "I'm fine" he mumbled. Hayley pulled a chair next to him and laid her hand on his shoulder "No, you're not, I can see that..."

I thought he was going to cry but when he looked up, he looked angy "i...uhm..." he mumbled "My boyfriend cheated on me and....we Uhm....we broke up".

YES YES YES! Hayley cheered in her head. no wait, that's mean.... "I'm sorry..." Hayley said. Alex bit his lower lip as tears appeared in his eyes while he kept mumbling "I'm Fine".

Hayley pulled him into a tight hug and rubbed his back. Surprisingly enough, Alex hugged her back and burried his face in her soulder. she heard him sob softly and it just made her really sad.

when he pulled away, her New Found Glory sweater was damp. "I-I'm sorry..." Alex said while standing up. Hayley stood up "I sould go now, if you wanna talk, I'm here for you". Alex smiled, but it was still a sad smile.

~authors note~

So, I don't know if you guys would like it, but I was thinking about writing a cristmas chapter and It's just gonna be some fluff but I'm in the christmas mood and I got the idea and yeah...

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)Where stories live. Discover now