chapter 21

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Hayley's pov

I walked into the classroom and sat down. 'This is gonna be fun' i thought when Alex walked in.

Jenna walked in and surprisingly, she wasn't late (AN jenna is me, I'm Jenna we are one). "Hey" she said oit of breath when she sat down next to me "how are you?".

I smiled "fine what about you?". Jenna got her books from her bag and stared at the cover "bad...vic left this mourning and when I got home, my dad was pissed at me cuz school called him. I grabed her hand ans squeezed it "it'll be fine" i said comforting.

"Jenna, could you be silent" alex asked "I wanna start this class. So... yesterday we..." the door swung open and Patrick and Pete came in both giggling and holding hands. Awh i was so happy for them.

Alex sighed "okay sit down" he demanded and closed the door behin them "is there anyone who has questions about yesterdays class?".

I raised my hand, cuz fuck I didn't understand math. Alex looked around the classroom "nobody?" He said "okay, moving on..."

I think that was one of the saddest moments of my life.


I sat down in the cafeteria with Cass and Jenna and we talked for a bit about stuff.

Couple of minutes later, patrick, pete and Josh joined us. "Hi!" Jenna said excited. I simply smiled and Cassadee waved.

"So are you guys a couple now?" I asked patrick and pete. Pete smiled and laid his hand on Patrick's. They both noded and it was so cute.

I saw alex enter the cafeteria and looked down at my hands ignoring him. It didn't work though. I found myself staring ay him. He was so adorable and perfect and taken and gay...

"Haaaayley" jenna said waving her hand in front of my face "do you wanna come along to mac donalds after school?". I smiled grateful "sure" i said and smiled.

Little did I know what would happen there.

we're all just weird kids in the end (Haylex AU)Where stories live. Discover now