Chapter 16

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I start to open my eyes,  everything blurs around me.

Where am I? What happened?

'I'm in a bed? But, I thought..."

"Kyoka! Oh my gosh, you're finally awake!" I hear someone say.

"Momo?" I whisper.

She gets in to bed with me, cuddling me.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"You passed out on the floor last night. I found you when I came to check on you. You were crying." She hugs me tighter.


I guess I was dreaming?

Yeah, Momo wouldn't ever hurt me. Right?

"I got some fruit and some tea, want some? I know you're hungry. You haven't ate since yesterday's breakfast." She tells me.

"Right. Thanks Momo." I say and kiss her on the cheek.

I snuggle closer into the nook upon momo's neck.

We sit there and snuggle and laugh.

"Jiro?" She asks.


"We need to talk about this." She tells me.

"About what?"

"You know." She responds.


"What's going on? First you weren't hungry, then next your on the ground passed out crying in your sleep."

"I-well, it's" I try.

"It's hard to explain." I say.

"I was dreaming."

"How about you start with your dream."

I nod.

I take a deep breath and start to explain.

"It was right after I said I was going to bed. I did exactly as I was doing before I went to bed. Like if I never went to bed yet. You called my name and pulled me out of my trance. You asked me if I was okay and I said yes. An argument struck out. I didn't say anything though."

"Oh, Jiro..."

"You said...horrible things. Calling me a liar, dumb. Then it only got worse. You...hit me."

"Jiro, hey. I would never do that to you. I love you. You mean the world to me."


"What did you do to fight me back?"

. . .

"I didn't."

"Oh." She says.


"You can finish up your breakfast. Why don't me and you stay in today?" She tells me.

She then leaves.

Momo's POV:

Is that what she thinks of me?
Or is it just because of her ptsd?

Gosh. Things have been so complicated.

With me trying to take my own life for the sake of Jiro, dumb idea really.

Then, her being taken by her parents.

what else is next?

And to think all of this started with a cracked phone screen.

I love her.

I wanted to use this trip as an excuse to go farther with our relationship, but I don't think thats the wisest idea right now. She probably needs space. And so do I.

Needing space doesn't mean I won't be there for her and I won't be around her, I just won't do anything other than a couple kisses.

I sit down at the counter.

Uraraka is making herself breakfast.

"Is everything alright? There was a lot of commotion last night." She asks.

"It was Jiro. She was having a nightmare. I came to help her when I found her passed out on the floor." I tell her.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I think we'll stay in today. Don't worry about us, you guys go have fun. I need to be here for Jiro."

"We can understand." She says.

- Later

Jiro's POV:

I take a small nap and head to the kitchen after.

There I see Momo on the couch.

"Hey." I say.

I go to sit with her. I then snuggle into her.

She tenses up in the process.

"You alright?" I ask.

"I'm fine. It just caught me by surprise." She tells me.

A/N: Lol, I honestly love messing with y'all. You guys really think I'd make Momo hurt her? No way. 😌🤚

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and are relieved to know it was only a dream.

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