Part 9 | Young Jennie

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Lisa is a brainy. Even though her family is not as fortunate with majority of the students here, that doesn't hinder her to top our class from freshmen year and even graduated as valedictorian.

She is a kind person with very charismatic personality.

One day, I really get irritated every time she opens her locker flooded with love letters and date invitations that would fall to the floor. Rosé, Kai and Seulgi would tease her and read all the letters in front of us. Lisa just smiled and laughed in everything she hears from the letters. I never saw her dated a girl from school. She never talks about it. Maybe she's good at hiding or just prefers to keep it private.

One afternoon, I caught her at the library writing something. She didn't notice I was at her back. Jesus! It's a love letter, it has drawn hearts all over and an "I LOVE YOU." Who is she writing to?

My heart skipped a bit when I saw my name at the top....

"My dearest Jennie Ruby Jane Kim,"

My eyes went big and I got startled when she moved her chair backwards and saw me. She stood up and crumpled the letter in her pocket.

"Je—jennie.. how long have you been there? Did you see anything?" She asked trembling.

"uh.. uhm.. no Lisa. I just came here a minute ago." I lied.

"Oh. Okay. So..what are you up to? Do you want to study together?" She asked nicely and here goes my heart beating so fast. Of course, who am I to refuse? I'm a certified sapiosexual. But I think, I only like this genius beside me.

After an hour, I rushed to Rosé and told her about the letter. We crazily looked for it and even had a deal with our school janitor that if ever he found it, I will pay him. Desperate Jennie.

It was our Prom one night and I expected Lisa to be there. I want to see her and invite her for a walk at the lake right after the program. I have to confess my feelings for her. But there's no Lisa in the area. She did not attend our prom.

Kai found me and asked me to dance. We're friends so okay. I'll give it a try. After we danced, she offered to bring me home. When we arrived at the doorstep. He confessed.

"Jen, uhm..I would like to ask you if I can court you. You know. I have been liking you since freshmen year." He confessed.

"Ahmm. Kai, I can't promise okay? But we'll see. Just try. Okay?" We agreed.


We graduate from high school and about to enter college. We heard Lisa got a scholarship from Harvard. We're so happy for her. But she came telling us that she's no longer going to the States and just continue her studies at Seoul International University with us as she was also granted a scholarship here, at the same time she'll be a working student so her parents won't worry about the tuition fees anymore. Oh Lisa! That's so lovely. How I admire her.

Our college years has become more serious. I gave Kai a chance when we reached our last year. Yes, he courted me for 5 years. Other guys attempted to court me but they're afraid of Lisa. If it was her courting me, god knows it would only take a minute for me to say yes. She has no idea how those kimchi fried rice, paper roses and cheap white chocolates had an effect on me. She is so sweet. Incomparable. But funny Lisa. Always pretending she has no feelings for me when she's too obvious. I even found out that she's the one giving me those.

College was serious but our circle never escaped from having fun. We drink, we go to clubs, we went to house parties and gigs. Lisa would only show up if she knows I'll be there and she would drive my car and bring me home when I'm drunk, even if I'm not . She would put her bicycle at the compartment or take a bus after she made sure I'm home safe. This woman is really obvious but she never pursued me. She's been my confidant whenever Kai and I had fights. Whenever I caught Kai cheating, she's there to comfort me. There was one time he punched Kai on the face when he found him kissing another girl in the campus.

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