The Magnificent Lypno

Start from the beginning

Splinter: A talent show eh?

Jasper: Grandpa Splinter, have you ever been in a talent show before?

Splinter: Why yes I was. I've been in many talent shows when I was young. (chuckles to himself) My talent was showing my martial arts moves in front of an audience.

Topaz: Did you win in those talent shows?!

Alolan Ninetales: We win some. We lose some. But this is when we discover that we have a knack for performing.

Squirtle: That's so cool!

Alolan Ninetales: It is isn't it?

Liz: You wanna check it out or~?

Tora: I think we should! Mad Pups, to the Apollo Theater! {Liz: Tonight.} Tonight!

At night, inside the Apollo Theater, people are coming inside to take a seat. Behind the stage, the contestants are practicing their act. Lypno is doing some stretches. The he snaps his fingers to have doves come out of his hat.

Lypno: (sighs) I still got it.

???: (gives Lypno a bottle of water) Are you... feeling...?

Lypno: I'm fine, Sunflower. It's just... (sits down next to Marigold) I feel like my dad is planning on sabotaging this talent show. I know him long enough to know that he always plan something. To make sure I'm number 1.

Marigold: What should... you...?

Lypno: I don't know. But maybe there's one thing we could do.

Marigold: Like what?

Lypno: Ask someone to stop my dad! (jumps up from his seat) That way he won't be able to sabotage the talent show and I'll win fair and square! (puts his thumb and index finger under his chin) But who's willing to help me? That's a tricky question...

While he figures out what to do, Marigold takes a peek of the audience. She then spots something among the audience. She looks back at Lypno who is still thinking and knew what to do. Marigold summons a vine to lift Lypno. She has the vine take Lypno to the area where the Mad Pups are sitting in.

Liz: Um... May we help you?

Lypno: Huh? (looks around) How did I...? Oh nevermind! You said if I need help with something?

Topaz: Well yeah! What else did you think you heard from us?!

Lypno: Sorry. Look, I'll explain everything if you just follow me backstage. It's really important.

Indulf: Alright alright. Just calm down.

The Mad Pups follows Lypno backstage. Marigold quickly hide behind Lypno in shyness.

Indulf: Okay, we're here. So tell us everything.

Lypno: (clears his throat) I am Monsieur Lypno! My dad is Hypno and my mom is Lapin. Like them, I'm a magician.

Everyone: You're Hypno's son?!

Lypno: Shocking right? Oh and this is my girlfriend Marigold. (whispers to them) She's extremely shy towards strangers. (normal talk) But once she gets to know you, she's the kindest person you'll ever meet.

Topaz: Nice to meet you two! Wait she's your girlfriend?

Tora: Aw~! That's so cute~! Also, are you an enemy since your dad is an enemy to our dads? Just wanna clarify.

Natu: Nope. Lypno is not like his dad.

Lypno: Yeah! I would never be a bad guy like him! Now then, with that out of the way, I could use your help.

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