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I slept wonderfully last night, not only because I was in my bed finally, but because Iselen was extraordinarily generous with her skills. I don't invite my flings to my house usually and I've rarely slept with a woman for more than a few hours before getting up early and leaving, or taking a shower and leaving, or having breakfast and leaving... Everything depends on how deep my friendship with the girl is. It's impossible in Bayview too, not only because the bunkbeds are narrow, but because the officers shouldn't catch us together early in the morning... This is why I'm not used to sleep with a woman all night long but it felt good. My mattress is big and comfortable and Iselen isn't the type that wants to stay stuck to you all the time, she fell asleep hugging my waist but turned around soon and kept sleeping hugging the pillow, she doesn't hog the blankets or spreads her arms and legs taking up all the space, she doesn't snore... we're compatible in every sense in a bed... she's perfect.

Thanks to Iselen, I was able to stop thinking and avoid the big issue for a few hours too: I've made a big mistake. For years, the investigations regarding the shooting at the coffee shop were focused on the liquor smuggling and who benefited if we got kicked out of the business, also focused on identifying Owen's enemies and on me... Who could have something against me? Who had the most to gain if I died? Never, not even one time, I thought that Nessa could be the target, I always considered her collateral damage. All our effort was useless because our line of inquiry was misdirected and we need to start all over again.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Owen..." I whisper before taking a sip of my coffee while the old Irish man shakes his head and his green eyes shine with sadness.

"It's not your fault, my niece, we all assumed that the liquor was the reason behind the attack and the traitor ratted us out in exchange of money, this way we found the rival gang that was responsible for the shooting. I was the one suggesting that the rat could be your enemy, you're the person I trust the most and you know all my businesses in detail, at least those that aren't entirely legal, you're powerful in the Company and your influence reaches far... You're my heiress..." I flinch on the chair and stare at him with my mouth wide open. "Oh come one, you know Adara wants nothing to do with this..." Owen waves his hand pointing at his desk. "She'll get a lot of money and the stock market investments along with some properties but you're the only one who will be capable of running the Company when I'm gone... I think it's normal if you have enemies, those who are jealous of your success among our people, not to mention judges and prosecutors who'd love to get their hands on you... No one could ever imagine that Nessa was the real target."

"Iselen did..." I tilt my head pointing at my precious girlfriend who's listening to Adara attentively while she shows her baby clothes and toys she's been buying and that are piled up all over the couch. The godmother-to-be looks a bit overwhelmed but she smiles and nods, trying to support her friend, Adara takes pink stuff from a box nonstop and looks happy and excited... According to my uncle, her mood can change in a second and turns into Godzilla, that's why everybody walks on tiptoes around her. Damned hormones... At least today she seems to be in a good mood, she cried a bit when Iselen hugged her and later she ate her weight in pancakes and fruit while we had breakfast like normal humans.

"Yes, I guess the fact that she arrived to the family in recent times gives her the advantage of an objective, neutral point of view. She's not biased because she never met Nessa..." Owen leans back on his chair after putting his coffee mug on the table.

"I still can't believe it..." I mumble staring at the wide windows overlooking Manhattan and Central Park but without seeing them, really. "Who could have something against Nessa? I admit she was smart to get what she wanted but she wasn't an intelligent woman in the wide sense of the word, she wasn't involved in shady businesses other than lend us her backroom for our liquor, it's true that she had some privileges since she was your niece but I don't understand how she could get information so sensitive that it led to her death..."

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