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"What are you going to do to those girls of the cafeteria?"

"I haven't decided it yet, there're lot of ways to make their lives miserable in Bayview... Let them suffer while they think about it...."

It's been two days since the incident of the soup and I can sense something has changed in prison, it seems that everybody, officers and inmates, walk on tiptoes around Ruby so they don't disturb her, she doesn't even need to talk out loud and her orders are followed, and they all are extremely kind to me... too kind. It gives me the creeps... It's pretty obvious they're scared of her, they don't want to upset her and be the target of her fury, there're hundreds of people living and working in this penitentiary and they all seem to believe my girlfriend is some kind of avenging angel ready to chop their heads off... And I'm concerned.

I think they're overreacting given that Ruby has done nothing, she hardly raised her voice or lost her temper, it's pretty obvious those idiots could've hurt me seriously and the Irish car boss was angry... that's a normal behaviour, I guess. But she didn't screamed, punched them or kicked their asses as hard as one would expect, however... I could feel the temperature dropping around her, the restrained tension in her muscles and I noticed the shadow that clouded over the shine in her beautiful eyes... But her rage can't explain why everybody seems to be so terrified of her or why Adara told me that Ruby could be dangerous when she's immerged in that state of suppressed rage. What do they know about my girlfriend that I don't know?

She looked calmer when we left the cell and Moina was so kind as to keep her mouth shut, she made no jokes about my flushed cheeks, she only exchanged a knowing glace with Ruby and nodded. A banquet was waiting for us in the library but the girls weren't in the mood to talk, Jasmine hugged me and Pilar made sure I was eating something, but I felt I was bothering them somehow while they were communicating among each other through gestures and quiet looks. I thought I was a member of the Irish car after two months living with them and don't understand why they feel the need to hide things from me. I let the drawing pencil drop on the table and rub my face with my hands. To be honest, I think I don't want to know what they're up to, it's good to feel protected by girls like Glenna and Moina, laughing with Erin and Pilar and exchanging gossip with Jasmine... enjoying mind-blowing sex with Ruby every night... I can push the library rolling cart while they hand smuggled stuff but, do I want to go further? Becoming a criminal and working for the Company?

"You're in prison because everybody believes you killed a man... does it really matter anymore?" I mumble staring at my sketchbook and grimacing upset. I started a portrait of Ruby weeks ago and I'm not pleased with it at all, it looks like her undoubtedly but it lacks life, that naughty spark in her green eyes, her smirk doesn't look natural and her hair doesn't show that softness I feel in my fingers every time I touch it. I'll never be able to do her justice and I don't know why I'm trying it again and again... I close the sketchbook angrily and look up... Where's everybody? Glenna and Jasmine went to the laundry room looking for a shipment but Moina and Ruby were sitting on the library couch checking the book account one minute ago. I get up frowning, perplexed, till I hear them whispering in the restroom but I don't have time to move closer when I hear Glen walking through the entrance door.

"Here it is, it arrived without problem..." My girlfriend leaves the restroom and takes the parcel she's handing her, opening it with her small knife while I pretend to check some art books from a shelf and take a look out of the corner of my eye: there're small envelopes inside, a lot of them, and Jasmine counts them while Moina takes notes on the book and Ruby makes small lots. I'm not stupid, it's obvious that those are drugs or something like that... A shiver runs down my spine and suddenly I decide that no, I don't want to know what they're up to or get involved in the Company business. I don't want to do anything that can get me in more trouble or extend my stay in Bayview.

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