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"You're lucky, Ruby, I'd give anything to be able to kiss my boyfriend again...although I'd rather be out of here..." A short girl smiles kindly sitting in front of me, her tanned skin makes a gorgeous contrast with her green eyes and her curly hair escapes from her ponytail... she looks really young and familiar somehow. "I'm Jasmine, pleased to meet you..." Something clicks inside my head and I stare at her with my mouth wide open.

"I've heard you singing," I mumble shaking her hand.

"Really? Where? I've been locked here for almost two years... My dumbass boss hid the drugs he sold to the clients in my dressing room and police officers found them during a raid. Not even the powerful Irish mob could help me with those charges, unfortunately."

"Adara had a recording of a concert..."

"Oh, was it blues or jazz?"

"Blues, I think..." I answer pensively.

"Friday nights..." They all say at the same time and Ruby smiles next to me.

"Jasmine is the daughter of an Irish guy, old friend of our boss, and a very talented singer from New Orleans that came to New York to try her luck. She didn't succeed in becoming famous but left behind her this beautiful mulatto who sings like an angel before she moved back to the South. You'll be able to hear her in the chapel this week, even guards fall into a trance... We could take advantage of that to escape from this prison while you give them a concert..."

"No way, I won't let you run away from here leaving me behind, bitches." They all laugh again like this is some kind of old joke.

"Here's your lunch," red-haired Erin comes back with my tray full of something that smells heavenly. I blink surprised since people generally believe that food in jail is pigswill but this spaghetti Bolognese dish looks really delicious, fruit for dessert seems to be fresh and salad is seasoned with real olive oil. A Latina girl, dark-haired and tall but with nice curves, puts a similar tray in front of Ruby and winks at me.

"Thank you, Pilar." My new friend points at the newly arrived women with her thumb before taking her fork. "Erin and Pilar are in charge of the store, the commissary, you're supposed to get a job assigned and with the money of your salary you'll be able to buy everything you need, although most of the goods they offer have a poor quality, to be honest..."

"Am I supposed to?" I ask confused before eating the first bite, I didn't realize how hungry I actually was. "Wow, this is the best lunch I've had in a while... how is it even possible?"

"Adara didn't tell you?" A blonde woman with sculpted biceps covered with tattoos like the ones of a body builder stares at me confused before looking at Ruby raising an eyebrow. I'm about to answer that I know nothing about the former life of my roommate, or her father's gang criminal activities, when my new best friend digs her tattooed fingers in my thigh discreetly while smiling at the inmate.

"Iselen met my cousin Adara in college and stayed out of The Company businesses till now... She's Moina, my personal bodyguard if you want to call her that, and her girlfriend Glenna..." Ruby points at a brunette who also looks like she'd be able to break all the bones of my face with a single slap.

"Oh dear, so that's what happened... You should've told me, you know I can keep a secret..." Glenna punches Ruby's tattooed arm gently, with affection, but she just shrugs and keeps eating. "We're friends from childhood and I thought it was weird that she had a girlfriend out and I knew nothing about her," she explains winking at me. "But if she was visiting her cousin behind the back of our boss, I understand why she remained silent: Owen would go berserk if he finds out that one of us kept in touch with Adara... He's a nice guy, but too proud sometimes, and loves his daughter but she hurt him when she left in such an abrupt way, accusing him of not being able to protect Nessa and being responsible for her death. That hit him hard... it was hard for all of us."

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