Day 11

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Dear Diary,

Today I went for a swim out the back.

It only reminded me of when Niall saved my life.

It triggered some thoughts, I felt different.

I thought about my cancer, while I was floating in the water. It's not as bad as I make it out to be. Sure, it's bad because I'm dying, but it's not too painful, and I didn't loose my hair.

I was scared that was going to happen from the start.

I didn't want to be bald, if it happened, I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. I would have had to deal with it.

I said I wouldn't talk about death, but isn't that a bit hard when you're dying?

I've only got a set amount of days left, and I'm not going to waste them away.

Tomorrow, I'm going to buy tickets for ATL's concert. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 4pm.

I don't know How I'm gonna get there, or back.

I might call Michael. We should go together, it would be good to hang out.

Zayn came over this morning, not long after I woke up.

We had a coffee and chatted about life.

He too, knows about the cancer.

Zayn said Niall talks about me all the time. Which, personally, I find quite annoying.

I don't like people talking about me.

You know what?

I wish you could talk back to me.

It's getting boring writing to something that doesn't care about your existence.

I wish you could just talk to me.

It gets lonely, I'm alone.

Mum's still working, she'll be back soon, I'm sure of it.

It seems as if she doesn't care.

She's called me once since she left.


I just want her to accept me as I am.

I don't want people to think of me as fragile and sick.

Whether that be true or not.

I'm starting to get tired, I think I might let my head hit the pillow.

Basically, today was an alright day.

With Zayn checkin in on me, and swimming in the pool, it was good.

Niall and I are supposed to be meeting up at Subway tomorrow.

I don't want to miss out on my tickets, so I have to be back by 3pm.

I have myself that deadline so I won't miss the best concert of my life.

I'm going to sleep, goodnight.

Yours sincerely,

Hanna xx


I'm actually so tired.

Would you guys comment and vote if I asked you to?

Don't worry, I won't do what most people do when I read their books.

10 votes and 3 comments till I update next!

Not my style.

I just want this book to be big. If you guys could share this with your friends in here, or readers. I would appreciate it very much!

Enjoy my angels!


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