I Promise 1.1

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"Hello?" I answer the phone curiously, looking at the ground.

"Hi honey! How's everything going?" My mums familiar voice echoes through the phone.

"It's good" I smile, thinking about Niall. "So, do you know when you'll be home? I miss you mum."

"Few days, I won't be too long!" She laughs, and stops as she hears the doorbell. "Who's at the door?"

"I have no idea mum." I lie, knowing who it is. "Hey, I'll call you later alrght?"

"Yeah sure. Enjoy your night honey" Mum blows me a kiss through the phone, and hangs up.

I answer the door, to be greeted by Niall.

I smile as wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly.

I don't ever want to let go. I know I'm going to have to, but I don't want to.


"Are you okay Hanna?" Niall asks me, pulling out of the hug.

I nod and smile, closing the door behind him.

"I'm fine." I whisper, my voice barely noticeable.

After a few uncomfortable moments of silence pass, Niall speaks up, looking around curiously.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

I nod and walk to the lounge, with Niall following closely behind.


"I still can't believe you chose Finding Nemo out of everything." Niall sighs and shakes his head.

"I wanted to, don't judge." I smile, standing from my state in Niall's arms.

Niall and I had been close. Real close.

We were snuggling during the movie, it was cute.

Niall's had been placing soft kisses on my cheek and neck. It made me squirm under his touch, but I wasn't going to deny that I liked it.

I'd love to spend my life with Niall. I'd love to be the mother of his children, the wife to him. I'd love to grow old with him.

I jus want to be with him.

The feeling I get when were together, is amazing. Gosh, words cannot describe how I feel about Niall.

"I love you." Niall smiles, eyeing my clothing style and looking at me strangely.

"I wasn't going to get dressed up for you. Are you kidding? I don't have time to do that. I'd much rather you see me in my pyjamas." I sigh, holding my hand out for him to grab. "I love you too."

Niall's smiles and takes my hand, kissing my cheek as he stands.

"Promise me, when I die, you'll move on. You won't mourn over me, you won't cry over me. You'll live your life, with a gorgeous wife and children. I want you to be happy Niall, and crying over me won't help."

Niall looks at me with a confused expression.

He looks hurt.

"I..." He sighs and looks at me with worry in his eyes.

Worry about me and my short, predictable future.

"I promise." He chokes out.


I am so tired you have no idea.

I'm going to be making another book soon, so stay tuned for that! It will be a Harry Styles one. It's for a friend, but she has no idea.


I'm leaving on Friday, then I'll take another 10 days or so until I get home!

I miss looking at my posters and falling sleep to their gorgeous faces.

I also miss my fridge.

Enjoy my little ones.


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