Day 8

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Dear Diary,

Today, I hung out with Niall. He took me to meet his family.

I didn't get a chance to meet his dad, or brothers for that matter.

His mum seems lovely though, she cooked a roast.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I'm due to greet death in a few hours. How did it end up like this?

I guess what happens to this diary is unknown. I won't have any use for it while I'm dead.

Saying I'm going to die still sounds ridiculous. How could someone like me die? I never thought I'd be the one to get cancer.

I guess I thought it wouldn't happen to me. It was bound to happen. I saw it coming in a way.

The amount of appointments I had scheduled with the doctor, how often he wanted to ask if I was okay... Guess he knew something was up.

It doesn't matter now though, at least I know I'm going to die.

I think I might write a few letters, seeing as I won't wake when the sun rises.

Thanks for all you've done. My time as Hanna is over now. I guess it's fair to say I enjoyed my life, I made use of it while I could. I got to meet One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer, that was an experience... And to date one of them, holy shit. I never saw that coming.

Goodnight forever,

Hanna xo

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