Dear Niall

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Babe, don't tell me it's not time to give up. I know it is.

You always told me that I had to stay strong, and I've tried... Honestly, I have. I want to stay so bad, but I can't. We both know I can't.

Promise me, that when I do die, you will find someone else to love. You have to be happy.

I'll miss you, so much. I've enjoyed every moment that I spent with you.

I don't want you to be disappointed because we didn't get to finish my bucket list. It's okay, it doesn't bother me anymore.

You have to sty strong baby. I know it will be hard, loosing someone always sucks.

I'll make sure you stay safe, I'll watch over you from above.

I guess this letter wasn't as long as I thought it would end up... Saying goodbye isn't that easy.

Goodbye? Is that how I should end this?

I love you. I hope you know that Niall.


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