Dear Mum

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Dear mum,

You've raised a lovely daughter, I feel so privileged to have you as my mum.

I thank you for always keeping an eye out for me when I was younger, making sure I never touched anything I shouldn't have.

Every mistake you made, you learnt from it and never made it again. I wish I could grow up to be like you.

I'm sorry you couldn't have grandchildren, I know you would've loved to have them.

I didn't mean to be such a brat as a kid. I guess I was struggling without a dad.

I never meant to hurt you in any way.

Everything I said to you, I didn't mean it. All those nasty things I said to you when I got angry was just something I did.

I'm sorry for everything I put you through.

I never told you about my cancer, you were always too busy to talk to. I'm also sorry I never told you about my limited life.


I love you mum.

Goodbye. xo

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