Goodbyyyyye Mineta

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Something that should be obvious, but I'm going to state here at the start of the book as a warning. Keep your ship hate to yourself. If you can't do that, then stop reading. If you're just gonna ignore me, don't get offended when I delete your comment.

Kaminaris pov

We're walking towards our classrooms and I can hear the whispers everywhere. At first I think they're talking about us (bakugo always attracts attention) but then I catch someone else's name.

"Mineta..." "...nezu said..." "...since Friday..." "...touching girls..." "...unacceptable behaviour for a hero..." "...expelled..."

Mineta got expelled? I'm not surprised to be honest. It's a miracle he made it this far anyway. As much as I liked girl watching, he always took it a step to far.

I mean, what's not to like about girls? Their voices, their intelligence, their attitudes, not to mention their more *ahem* physical beauties. But I don't mind watching them from a distance. And I know when to accept rejection. Mineta just wouldn't give it up, and was always so disgusting about it.

It's his own fault.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The entire bakusquad winces as ururaka runs past us and jumps on midoriya.


Midoriya seems to just be in a bit of a daze from ururakas closeness, he doesn't even have the capacity to mumble. It's so obvious they're crushing for each other, it's painful to watch.

Since midoriya isn't responding, ururaka gets out of the hug, and goes up to Mina, and they grab onto each other's arms and start screaming and jumping up and down.


"SHUT UP YOU DAMN EXTRAS," bakugou yells, so they scamper off to scream somewhere else.

"Do you think we'll be getting a new student?" I ask Kirishima.

"Probably, I can't wait to meet them!" Kirishima replies, grinning with his pointy teeth.


Kirishima and I laugh and follow bakugou as he storms into the classroom. We have an inside joke that the only reason bakugou is so angry all the time is because the wind changed direction on him when he was a kid, and now his face is just permanently a scowl.

We sit down in our respective seats, and aizawa shuffles in sleepily.

"You're getting a seating plan," he announces, and we all groan. There's just something so annoying about changing seats and none of us want to do it (but the author can't be bothered to look up where they sit, so seating plan here we come).

"But first, the student who will be replacing the one no one cares about"

Aizawa shuffles to the side, and a student walks in, sporting a glare to challenge even bakugou.

"Hitoshi shinsou," he drones to us, "don't call me Hitoshi or I will not hesitate to embarrass you in front of the entire class"

He's actually not that bad looking, although he does look like he needs some more sleep.

I remember seeing him at the sports festival. He almost beat midoriya without even fighting! It was actually pretty amazing if you ask me.

"Seating plan now," aizawa says, and we all groan again.

I end up with the new kid, Shinso, sitting next to me. On my other side is Kirishima, behind me is midoriya and in front of me is Tsu.

I turn to shinso to introduce myself.

"Hi I'm-"

"Don't care."

Ouch that hurt. But I'm not going to give up that easily.

"Well you should care, because whether you want friends or not your going to need to at least know our names."

He raised one eyebrow at me.

"Why should I? He doesn't and he get along just fine." He nods his head to bakugou.

I roll my eyes at him.

"He has a flashy, physical type quirk, so he can get away with it. Your quirk, on the other hand, as cool as it is, is not, and you'll need to know peoples names to an extent further than 'raccoon eyes' or 'shitty hair'.

"Oh shut it, I don't need your sarcasm."

That just made me confused.

"I wasn't being sarcas-"

"I hear enough about my quirk from everywhere else in my life if you think your being original and funny then you can forget it."

"But I'm not?" He looks at me.

"You probably don't even know about me, since I haven't done anything particularly noticeable yet, unlike you who got into the top eight at the sports festival, but I'll tell you about my quirk. I literally go brain dead whenever I use it. So you can go and pretend that you have a bad quirk but whoever told you that is the useless one, not you and your quirk.

I don't really like talking about how bad my quirk is, but this guy really needs to pull his head out of his ass and see how lucky he's got it.

I huff and turn to face the board, where aizawa is teaching us. I at least need to try to get good grades.

"Thanks I guess..." I hear shinso mumble from next to me, and I feel a small smile creep onto my face.

Wait and see shinso, I'll make you into my friend.

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