Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday

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Neige: Why? Why would you save me?

Asta: You can't die. Take responsibility for what you did. That's the punishment you deserve!

Neige: [gasps]

Asta: Plus, your own brother just tried to kill you, and that's not cool. He's even sicker than I thought he was!

(Asta runs towards Baros.)

Asta: My sword seems to work just fine on you, so I'll just cut ya down to size--[gasps]

(Baros strikes the ground right in front of Asta.)

Sally: Your Anti-Magic is the cutest, but even it won't take him down that easy. You saw that dark magic tool. It drains the life force from a subject and makes 'em swell with magic power!

Asta: She's a special kind of crazy!

(Y/N): Let's see if my hammer can do any better!

(Y/N throws his hammer at Baros but it just goes into Baros' muddy body.)

(Y/N): That's embarrassing...

Asta: Just call it back, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Already doing that!

(Y/N has his hand out; trying to call his hammer back but nothing's happening.)

(Y/N): Okay, this is strange. I can feel my hammer wanting to come back but-

Sally: It seems your precious hammer belongs to me now, (Y/N)! Looks like the mud is too thick for it to come back to you! [giggles]

(Y/N): No!

(Y/N begins to walk upto Baros.)

(Y/N): Give me back my hammer!

Asta: (Y/N), what are you doing?!

(Y/N): What's it look like? I'm going to get my hammer back!

Asta's thoughts: I think he has an unhealthy relationship with that hammer...

Asta: It's just a hammer, (Y/N)! You can just buy a new one!

(Y/N): I can't! It's the only thing I have from home! It was a gift from my father!

Asta: Oh...

Sister Theresa: I don't think your father would want you-

(Y/N is now right in front Baros.)

(Y/N): Hey! You mud bastard!

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): My hammer is somewhere inside you.

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): So hit me!

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): Hit me, bitch!

Baros: Die!

(Baros hits Y/N.)

Asta: (Y/N)!

(Baros lifts his fist up revealing that Y/N isn't there.)

Sally: [giggles] I've got (Y/N) and his hammer! Yay! You're next Asta!

(Cut to Y/N inside of Baros.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Ew! Perhaps this wasn't the best idea. I can hardly breath. But my hammer...I'm...I'm nothing without it!

(Cut to Gauche on his way back to Asta, Sister Theresa, & Y/N.)

Gauche's thoughts: Asta this, Asta that...What's so great about him, anyway? The captain, the other squad members, they're all crazy about this kid. But he was basically useless back there. He, the old hag, and the lapdog have probably given up and made a run for it by now. When you get down to it, people will always put themselves ahead of others. That's just the way the world works. [gasps]

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