Draco's Inheritance

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A/N: I should probably mention that this takes place just before Year 5.

The pain was unbearable. I knew that my inheritance was tonight and I knew it would be painful, as creatures with wings usually had a lot more, changing, to do. My mother rushed in with a bucket of cool water and a cloth. As she pressed the cloth against my face, I could feel her calm energy radiating, which made me relax as much as I could. Eventually the pain subsided and my vision became blurry.

"Sleep my darling boy. You'll feel better in the morning."

"Draco? Are you ok, son?" I opened my eyes, wincing at the sudden enslaught of bright light as my father shook my shoulder.

"Come Draco we must go to Gringotts." I could feel the proud energy that both of them were trying desperately to conceal beneath stoic masks. I nodded my head and went to get up,

"May I see myself first?"

My mother looked at my father and nodded.

"Ok Draco, just take it slow." I walked to the bathroom with my mother in tow. I barely managed to suppress my frown. I looked almost exactly the same. The only way you'd be able to see a change was if you knew me well. My skin was slightly less pale. My jawline was slightly more defined and my lips were a bit thicker. My eyes, instead of being a silvery grey were a piercing blue and my hair was a little softer and longer but not enough to be startling. My figure was slightly more muscular. I turned my head to see my jawline until I saw the biggest surprise. I had pure white wings, unlike my father who had grey wings.

"Well, do you like it?" I turned slowly and nodded. I thought I looked alright. I reached out and let my fingers brush against my wing. They were like the softest fabric I'd ever felt.

"What do you think?"

They nodded at each other and mother picked an imaginary speck of dust off my, now ruined, shirt.

"You look exceptional. Your wings are large and pure white, that indicates a certain strength. Now let's get you changed and to Gringotts. We need to check and make sure everything is in order."

My father showed me how to hide my wings and we apparated to the Wizarding Bank.

We were led to a separate room and I was led on a walkthrough  of the process. To the dismay of my parents, there was a rather lot of creature's whom had discovered their Inheritance. So we were ushered back into the foyer to wait. I sat there and crossed my legs, awaiting the results.

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