Ch 16: Invitations

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I rose early for school the next morning, packing my things and trying not to think about anything complicated. I wanted a normal life and I was going to live it. I filled up the enormous gallon water bottle I started carrying with me to school as a way to alleviate any thirst I would get. People always commented on the giant water bottle, but I would rather have people look at me funny than rip one of their throats open up against a metal locker.

"Good morning," greeted Bella. I hadn't even heard her enter the room, but that was typical. These vampires were so silent, it was frustrating.

"Good morning," I said back, trying to sound cheerful and hoping we could move past what happened the previous night. Apparently, and to my great pleasure, Edward and Bella didn't bring anything up the rest of the morning and it didn't appear as if they were going to anytime soon. I hoped Edward had read my thoughts so he could understand that I wanted to figure things out on my own.

Jacob was still asleep. He was usually exhausted and despite his desire to see me off to school like everyone else, I insisted that he sleep in. He needed it and I hated to see him so tired.

"Did you hear the news?" asked Bella with a laugh before Edward was about to drive me to school.

I shook my head confused. "Apparently Rosalie and Emmet are having another one of their weddings this December."

I raised an eyebrow. "Didn't they just get back from a honeymoon?" I asked incredulously.

Edward chuckled. "Every vacation they go on together they refer to as a honeymoon. They get married every decade or so. Apparently the time has come again. I'm sure Alice is planning it?" He looked to Bella who rolled her eyes lovingly at the mention of Alice and her party planning.

"Well, I guess it will be a nice opportunity to see everyone again. They're having it up by Carlisle?"
Bella nodded, holding up the fancy invitation. I was going to take place a week before Christmas, which I was sure was most likely intentional. It was a way for us to celebrate Christmas together as well as have this wedding for Rosalie and Emmet. I was admittedly excited. I had never been to a wedding before. Even though Rosalie and Emmet had had many weddings over the years, this one was the first that I would get to see.

"That's nice," I said with a smile. "I can't wait to go!"

Bella and Edward exchanged amused looks, but I ignored them. I knew they thought the whole affair was a little ridiculous but I didn't care.

Edward dropped me off at school, wished me luck and told me that as always Jacob would be picking me up. I walked through the front doors and to my first class of the day. This was where I saw Lizzie again, who I hadn't seen since she'd been at my house. She looked thrilled to see me walk through the door and she gestured for me to come over by her. I did as she wanted, and the second I was in close enough range she exclaimed, "what was with your crazy hot cousins?! How come you didn't mention you had supermodels in your family?" I knew she was trying to be both funny and playful, but I felt embarrassed talking about it.

I shrugged. "They're not supermodels. That's just the way they are I guess. I've gotten used to it."

Lizzie playfully rolled her eyes. "I mean, it's no wonder. It must be some weird thing in your family. All of you are way too pretty."

I smiled. "Thanks, but beauty isn't all that important when you really get down to it."

"Says the really pretty girl," joked Lizzie. "If you want to give me some of what you or your freakishly good looking cousins have then I'm more than happy to take it."

It was then that the bell rang and we had to take our seats. Lizzie assured me that I would see her, Katie, and the whole gang at lunch as usual.
The rest of the class day was mundane as expected, but no matter how boring school itself was, I was more than happy to be there. I walked down the hall with Katie to lunch, carrying my now half drunk giant water bottle.

"Why do you carry that thing around?" asked Katie.

"Um, because I get really easily dehydrated. It's a condition and my doctor says I need to drink a lot of water in a day," I lied, feeling foolish.

"Oh," replied Katie and she said nothing about it again.

Once at lunch, I sat down with my modest tray of food and observed as everyone chatted about nothing, or jokingly threw french fries at each other. It was a helpful distraction from thinking about Jacob and our time at the Diner last night.

"So," began Katie, her tone eager as she finally sat down with her own tray of lunch. She reminded me a little bit of Alice, if Alice was less genuine and more mean. Katie was fun to hang out with when I needed something to occupy my time, but I didn't see myself being truly friends with her. "Guess who's head of the Halloween dance committee?!"

"Yeah Kate, we all know," commented Ian.
Katie stuck her tongue out at him like a three year old and continued.

"Anyone interested in helping set up the day before?"

She looked around the table and few people volunteered. Katie's eyes eventually got to me, and they burned into me causing me to feel incredibly guilty if I said 'no.' I drew a breath and reluctantly agreed to help her set up for the dance at the end of the month. I'd never been to a High School dance, so I figured I might as well get really into it by helping out. Although, the idea of painting bats and handing out fake vampire teeth for a party on Halloween made me laugh to myself. Would I even need to wear a costume? I smiled knowingly, and luckily nobody noticed.

No doubt the Halloween dance only existed to prevent bored teens from the High School wreaking havoc around the neighborhood. This would keep them occupied for sure. The more I thought about it, the more excited I started to become. It was the first real High School function I was going to be a part of and I was looking forward to it. Apparently, today was just full of party invitations, and I didn't mind one bit.

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