Ch 84: Crash Landing

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I drew a deep inhale of contentment as I soaked in the wonderful heat of Jacob's body next to mine. My hand intertwined with his and my head resting on his chest.
We were silent for a long time, neither of us knowing what to say after what we did. I wasn't sorry, and in that moment I felt a satisfied happiness that I wasn't willing to relinquish. He kissed the top of my head and ran other hand up and down my arm.

"How are you feeling?" He finally asked.

I couldn't hold back my smile. I craned my neck to look at him, his black hair tousled and his eyes searching.

"I feel happy," was all I said.

He returned my smile in kind.
"Me too," he replied.

"I missed feeling your warmth. There's something special about it. It's like you were made for someone who can't keep the cold out of their body."

He hugged me tighter. "So you don't regret what just happened?"

"No," I answered honestly, sitting up to put my clothes back on. He didn't resist and seeing what I was doing, followed my lead, throwing his jeans back on, probably more for my sake than his.
"But I do think we have things to talk about. Now just isn't the time."

He sighed, taking a hand and guiding my face back to look at his. I was helpless.

"Okay," he said. "Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. And not because of the werewolf thing, but because I want to be with you, and whatever I have to do to make that happen is what I'll do."

I was warmed by his declaration, and returned it with a kiss. I couldn't imagine how I'd let us be apart for so long. We were wrapped up in our own world, surrounded by the fire that sparked between us. But, the beautiful comet that was Jacob and I, crashed when he suddenly pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

He didn't answer before grabbing me suddenly, and dragging me out of the tent. It was the quickest most disorienting thing I'd ever experienced. Just as I crash landed out into the snow, a figure zipped right through the tent, ripping it to shreds. I sat up, realizing that Jacob was no longer in his human form. He stood protectively in front of me, the large copper wolf barring his teeth. The figure reappeared, and unsurprisingly, there stood Stefan.

"I've decided I'm done running from you," he said too casually in his Eastern European accent.

"You filthy mongrel are responsible for killing who I love, and even if you kill me now, I will take what you love down with me." His voice was cold and even, and as soon as the word "me" exited his lips, he lunged forward. I screamed.

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