Ch 90: Sense

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***** Jacob's POV*****

My thoughts had been consumed by it ever since it happened. I couldn't get that image out of my mind. The sight of Ness on the floor, lifeless. Her blood seeping into the snow from her ivory skin, the warmth fading from her breath as I rushed her to safety. It was haunting and terrifying. I relished the memory of Stefan's skull crushed underneath my canine teeth, sending that blood sucker back where it belonged.
I pushed Ness away, and I knew it hurt her. I laughed at myself. All those years I spent mocking Edward for his behavior and I had turned into a remarkably similar creature. I could finally understand where he was coming from now, and I'd never look back at that time in my life the same way.

I heard a knock on the door of the garage outside my dads place. Billy had tried to broach the subject of Renesemee to me but each time I made it clear I was not interested in discussing it with him. When I looked up, I expected to see Billy, but to my surprise, Seth was standing there.

"Hey Jake!" He said chipperly.

I peered at him suspiciously. He and I both knew that he wasn't happy with me for how I handled things with Ness. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to face her because I truthfully thought she'd be better off without me.

"Hey Seth," I replied, keeping things casual. I figured if he had a point then he should be the one to make it.

"Whatcha working on?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you tell me why you're really here Seth?"

He frowned momentarily before giving a relenting sigh. "Alright. I came because tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner for the wedding."

Shit. The wedding. Ness was Lizzie's maid of honor. This opened up a whole new can of worms for me. I hadn't seen Ness in what felt like an eternity after the whole incident in the woods. I knew I would have to see her again.

"And you expect me to go," I finished his thought.

"Well yeah!" He exclaimed. "You're my best man Jake. I get this wedding is small and non traditional so you haven't had to do much, but it's still my wedding and you need to be at this dinner tomorrow night."

I didn't say anything. He was right, but that didn't make me feel less uneasy.

"I know you're probably not too happy cause Ness and the Cullens will be there but-"

"Wait," I cut him off. "You invited ALL the Cullens?"

"Of course I did," said Seth.

"Oh great," I groaned. I'm sure I was the least favorite person on the Cullen list at the moment. I would have to see Ness and my heart would tear open all over again, all while an entire coven of vampires glared at me with their piercing and creepy yellow eyes. I joked with Bella once that they all looked like subtler versions of the evil emperor from star wars with those eyes. She wasn't amused. But Nessie was. She was like that.

"Look Jake," said Seth, in a serious tone he rarely ever used. "This is important to me. Lizzie is the love of my life, and I only have one. I want everyone I care about to be there. If you love me at all, you'll put this aside."

I sighed. What could I say? If I was being honest, as much as I didn't want to go for a variety of reasons, a part of me wanted to go because I owed it to Seth. I wanted to see him get married. I wanted to see him be happy.

I pulled it together and nodded slowly. "I'll be there. I promise."

Seth grinned widely, his whole face lighting up. "Thank you," he said. "I'll go tell Lizzie!"

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