Ch 75: Phone Call

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I thought I was going to have to beg Aro to let me go, but in actuality he seemed only a little resistant to my going.

"But why would you want to go back there my dear? It's such a gloomy place." He said to me.
I resisted the urge to get angry. It was so typical of someone so delusional and narcissistic to question why I would want to go back to my hometown for my best friends wedding.

"Please Aro," I said calmly. "I'm so grateful for your kindness, but I think it's time I venture out. And this time without Felix."

Aro pondered this for a moment. He didn't look as distrustful as he did the first time Id asked him if I could leave Voltaira. However, he understood the implication behind my words. He knew I wanted to be free.

"My dear, aren't you happy here?" He asked.

I sighed. "Of course I am, but I miss my family. I miss my friends. Lizzie has been my friend for over ten years"

"And you miss your little pet beast," he commented. It wasn't a question which made the mention of it all the more painful.

"Yes." I didn't bother lying.

"Hmmm." He stayed quiet for what felt like an eternity. I was so desperate for him to agree. "I suppose I'll allow it. But do you promise to come back on occasion? I will remember, you know."

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest with excitement. I didn't even care about his caveat. I was able to go home. All I had to do was every couple of years go back to Aro. That was nothing compared to this isolation! Besides, it was worth it if it kept my family in good standing with the Vulturi. Since I'd been here, Aro had only mentioned Alice once. This was no small matter.

I thanked him profusely, although trying to maintain some level of composure. I couldn't show him he had that much power over me or he would exploit it.

I ran up to my room and grabbed the phone. I decided to call Lizzie. I wanted my parents to be surprise but I had to let Lizzie know she could fill that extra seat at her wedding.

"Hello?" She picked up, sounded distracted.

"It's happening!" I practically yelled into the phone.

"Ness!" She exclaimed. "Sorry! I wasn't expecting to hear from you today! Oh my gosh how are you! Wait," she paused. "What's happening?"

"Lizzie," I said meaningfully. "I'll be there."

She paused, and I waited patiently for her reply. "Oh god," she said finally, her voice full of emotion. "You're really coming?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Oh Nessie, you have no idea how much this means to me," she said. "Im so excited to see you again. Though I have to admit I'm upset on some level because now I won't actually be the prettiest person at my own wedding." She teased.

I snorted. "Oh stop, you knew that would happen when you invited the rest of my family."

I could feel her shrugging through the phone.
I would have FaceTimed her but the connection on the res was always off that we missed parts of the conversation. I couldn't afford for her to miss anything I was going to say when I told her this exciting news.

"Fair enough" she conceded. "But they won't be standing right next to me in the bridal party!"

We laughed for a while, chatting about the wedding and how excited she was. Then, the conversation shifted.

"So," she broached the subject. "Have you told Jacob you're coming?"

I sighed. "Not yet. I wanted to surprise my parents and if I tell Jacob he'll be too excited not to blab."

"Ah," she replied. "I see." There was a hint of something behind her tone that I detected. I knew Lizzie so well by this time that I knew there was something else she wanted to say.

"What does that mean Liz?" I asked, though I kept my voice light hearted.

"Well," she began somewhat reluctantly. "I'm worried you're afraid to tell Jacob because you haven't seen him in person in over ten years."

I stayed silent for a moment. On some level I knew she wasn't wrong. However, this wasn't the time to discuss it. I decided to tell her as much.

"Okay," she allowed. "We don't have to talk about it."

"What day are the rest of the Cullens coming down for the wedding?" I asked, only partially changing the subject.

"Mmm, probably about a week or two before. Why?"

"Then I'll come down a week before them. That way we can spend some time together and it'll be a fun surprise when they get back. I'll talk to you about Jacob things when I have a drink in my hand."

She laughed. "Amazing! I'm so excited Ness. I've missed you so much! The phone just isn't the same, you know."

I smiled. "I know. Love you and I'll see you in a few weeks!"

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