Ch 11: Friendly

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Once Lizzie was actually inside the beautiful Cullen house, her amazement didn't subside. She kept staring at my parents, which was annoying, but I tried not to be too bothered by it. I had to take into account that this human had probably never seen anyone so beautiful before, let alone two people. Two people who were supposedly related to her ordinary friend from school. I had to cut her some slack.

"So Lizzie," began Bella. "You and Renesmee have class together?"

Lizzie nodded, her eyes still scanning the interior as we entered the living room. I sat down on the couch, gesturing for Lizzie to come sit by me. She looked momentarily frozen, like she had forgotten how to sit on a couch.

"I hear you like music?" inquired Edward.

Lizzie looked surprised by this, and also a little flattered. Probably at the idea that I had mentioned her at all to Edward and Bella.

"I love music," replied Lizzie.

Before Edward could respond, Jacob walked casually into the room. Lizzie's eyes once again went wide. Jacob was in fact a pretty large and muscular person. Someone who looks like him sauntering into a room eating chips did seem a little odd when I actually thought about it.

Lizzie looked to me, as though she were asking with her eyes who the giant native american boy was.

"Hi there!" greeted Jacob.

I waved at him acknowledgingly before turning back to Lizzie. "This is Jacob. He's an old friend of Bella's. I've known him basically my whole life."

Lizzie nodded, her expression suddenly lighting up with understanding. Her eyes darted back and forth from me to Jacob, and it was obvious she had figured out that Jacob was the person I was talking about while we were on our hike. This normally wouldn't bother me, except I knew Edward could read her mind and now he knew practically everything I had told Lizzie! At least, whatever she remembered. I couldn't look Edward in the face the rest of the time, hoping futally that he would choose to leave it alone once Lizzie left.

"Nice to meet you!" said Jacob enthusiastically, which made Lizzie blush. "Any friend of Nessie's is a friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you too," stuttered Lizzie.

"I actually have quite the music collection, if you'd like to give it a look," offered Edward.

Lizzie smiled, nodding her head fervently. "I definitely would!"

Edward gestured for her to follow him into what used to be his old room before he and Bella moved into the master bedroom. He still had shelves and shelves of music. Vinyls, cds, tapes, anything he collected over the years. I knew Lizzie's head would just explode looking at it. Sure enough, as we walked into the room her expression became even brighter.

"Where did you get so much music?!" she exclaimed.

Edward shrugged. "I've collected it over the years." I could see him wink at Bella who couldn't help but giggle. Lizzie didn't notice.

"Renesmee," said Bella. "Why don't you come help me in the kitchen for a minute."

I knew what she was trying to do. I feigned a smile through gritted teeth and answered. "Sure thing, Bella."

She rolled her eyes at me before making her way out of the room. Reluctantly, I followed.

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