Ch 67: Letter

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~~~Jacob's POV~~~
I raced through the woods, my blood pumping and my vision focused. I had no end goal in mind, but I was so angry I couldn't do anything but run. A voice cried out to me "Jake!" It was Seth's voice spoken through our werewolf telepathy. I knew everyone was worried about me. It had been 10 days since the girl I loved was taken from me, and from everyone she cared about, and me powerless to help her. They all thought I was going to snap and do something stupid, not that I could truly blame them. The minute I realized Nessie was taken, I nearly ran up to Canada and ripped the rest of the family apart for being so careless! Ness was everything to me, my stars and moon. It felt now like the moon had vanished and all the was left was an uncontrollable ocean tide crashing harshly against anything it could. I was a wolf, howling to an empty, black night sky.

"Coming!" I answered Seth back, albeit much more curtly than I probably should have been. I could smell where he was. Everyone was at the Cullen house, including Carlisle, Esme, Blondie, and Emmet, Alice and Jasper.

Bella and Edward were more inconsolable than I'd ever seen them, but I could tell they were holding it together for my sake. Bella knew if she was going to loose her mind then it gave me permission to do the same. I was a little insulted at their childish view of me, but when it came to Ness, I was never really in control.
I arrived at the house, changing back into a human and stalking through the front door. Everyone was huddled around the dining room table, including Seth and Lizzie.

"Why is she here?" I demanded. I knew it was an unreasonable reaction, but ever since Seth had told me in imprinted on Nessie's friend, especially after Ness had been kidnapped, I couldn't help but feel angry at her presence. It wasn't the poor kid's fault, but seeing them together only made the pain at the loss of my own imprint more agonizing. The only positive was the relief at not having to hide secrets anymore. Lizzie could know about the wolves because she was with Seth, and you couldn't know about the wolves without knowing about the cold ones.

"Relax Jake," Seth warned.

"I'm sorry," Lizzie offered. I immediately felt bad for my behavior, and let out a begrudging apology.

"Jake,"  began Bella, her face more serious than I'd ever seen her.

"News about Ness?" I immediately guessed.
She nodded her head and handed me a very fancy stationary paper written in practically calligraphy.

Finest Greetings to the Cullen Coven,

In recent days we have come to be in possession of a commodity we believe rather precious to you all. We would be delighted to return your lost treasure to you at your earliest convenience. However, we do ask that you do not arrive empty handed. Such a valuable find can not be given away without generous compensation. We do warn you that animals are not permitted in our city when you come to call.

Yours truly,
Aro, Caius, Marcus. 

Reading the letter nearly sent me into a rage. I slammed the paper down on the table, and ran a hand through my slightly damp hair.
"What the hell does this mean?!" I demanded.
"Calm down Jacob," Edward warned. Nothing infuriated me more than when he said things like that, but I forced myself to take a breath for the sake of getting the information I needed about Ness.

"The Vulturi have her?" I guessed.

"We believe so," said Carlisle, always too calm with a concentrated look on his face.

"So we go to Voltaira" I stated firmly.

"You are not going anywhere Dog." Rosalie replied. "You read what they wrote, no animals. That means you!"

I stepped forward and so did Emmet. "I don't care what they want! I want Ness back and I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here, Blondie!"

"So you'd rather risk her life even more because of your stupid wolf brain?!"

"Stop it!" Bella exclaimed. "Ness is my daughter and I'm going to get her. Whether anyone else is coming is a separate discussion. But this is my daughters life."

"And mine," said Edward.

I groaned. "You know what they want, don't you? How do you think this is gonna go if you to go by yourselves?"

The room went silent, everyone unsure as to how to continue. We all knew the truth. If we went to Voltaira, somebody wouldn't come back.

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