Ch 69: Planes

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Jacob's POV

I sat anxiously in my seat on the plane. It took so much persuading and (I would never admit it out loud) some actual begging to get them to see why I had to come on this rescue mission. We talked so much for days about what we could do and how we were going to approach the problem. Carlisle insisted that we alert those creepy bloodsuckers to our presence in the city. They knew we were coming, which put a wrench in what I had planned, but hopefully, it meant Ness knew we were coming for her. Knowing her, she probably wouldn't see that as a good thing, since we were all putting our lives at risk. The only members of the Cullen clan not present were Alice and Jasper. Alice was too valuable and everyone knew it. Under no circumstances could Aro get his hands on her or use her as a bargain tool.

What scared all of us the most was that we had no idea what was going to happen when we arrived. Alice explained how she couldn't see our future once we stepped foot into Voltaira. We didn't know if it was because of me or for more unpleasant reasons. I chose to believe it was a wolf related thing, because I couldn't dare bring myself to think we couldn't get to Nessie.

"Jacob," whispered Edward.

"What?" I replied, irritation clear in my tone.
"You need to stop spiraling. You're only here because we're choosing to trust that you won't do something to get us all killed."

"Get out of my head if you don't like being there!" I whispered back, though admittedly not as quietly as a whisper should be.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Exclaimed Bella, her topaz eyes like daggers at me. Bella had been barely holding it together since Ness went missing, and especially after we received the Volturi's letter.

"I'm sorry," I offered half heartedly. I didn't actually want to make this worse for her, but Edward should have really learned by now to let me keep my thoughts to myself.

"I can't help it when you're practically screaming with frustration in your own head." Edward commented, a response to my thoughts. I chose to ignore how irritated I might have been by this if it weren't for the circumstances.

"Look," I began freshly, before stopping myself.
"I can't help it either." I grumbled.

Edward sighed. "I know you can't."

There was a long silence between us, and by long silence there was silence on my end while Edward surely heard every thought that passed through my brain.

"Listen Jacob," Edward said finally. "I know how you feel about Renesmee. I haven't always been okay with it, but she's my only daughter. Now I understand. The pain and agony we feel, when I feel it through your thoughts, we both care about her so much. I know what it's like to worry for someone you love, and for once I actually appreciate how you feel."

I blinked at him, surprised by his words. "I'm, thank you."

"But," he continued. I rolled my eyes. Of course there had to be a "but." "You need to take control of these wolf feelings you have. If you love Ness then you need to do exactly what we're asking of you. Believe it or not I don't want her to be hurt if something happens to you. She loves you just as much, and I know cause I regrettably can hear her thoughts about it, which is why she's been avoiding me for weeks."

I listened carefully, letting the words sink in. I drew a deep breath and sighed. "Alright. I'll do this your way without question. But if something goes wrong, I'm going in there and getting her out and there's nothing you can say or do that will stop me."

Edward gritted his teeth, but seeing as he knew he couldn't ask more of me, he nodded in resignation.

Once that conversation was over, the only thought that crossed my mind was that as soon as this plane landed, I needed to do what I was asked, and find Vladimir and Stefan.

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