Chapter Seventy-Seven

Start from the beginning

       Katara glared at her brother, "Sokka, stop! Aang can't help it, but you're just being a jerk!"

       "No, no," I looked around the forest, realizing that Sokka was right, "He's right, Kat," I pointed around the forest, where I was starting to pick out more faces.

"Look at this squirell-toad," Sokka smiled pointing at the smiling face on the back of a squirell-toad, "And the bark of this tree!" The tree bore an angry face, which Sokka tried his best to mimic, "And that giant flutter-bat over there!" Sokka pointed to a flutter-bat, "And that giant flutter-bat over there! Aang, the patterns on its wings sort of look like the face you're making!"

I turned my head to the flutter-bat, whose wings had the same face that Aang was currently frozen in, "Yo, Aang. Sokka's right," I frowned, "Again," I turned to Sokka and poked his side, causing him to jump.


       "You're smarter than people give you credit for, Sokka," I nodded to him, "I can respect that."

       "Thanks, cu-"

Sokka was cut off by Aang sprinting after the flutter-bat which had started to fly away, "Don't fly away, Mr. Flutter-bat! I think we're meant to be friends!"

       "Hey!" I called after him, "Kid, where are you going?! You're going to get yourself hurt!"

       "Aang, don't run off by yourself! You don't know what's out there!" Zuko yelled after him.

Aang ignored us, and soon he was out of sight. Zuko and I sighed and ran after him, Katara, Sokka, and Azula following close behind.

       "Aang?!" Katara called out.

       "I'm over here!" We heard Aang call out from past the clearing.

Katara, Sokka, Azula, Zuko, and I emerged from the clearing to see Aang kneeling over a perfectly circular pool of the clearest water I have seen in my entire life.

       "Check it out," Aang gestured to the water.

       "I've never seen water so clear and still," Katara breathed.

       I sighed, "You can see right through it. Almost like-"

"-Like a perfect pane of glass," Zuko smiled at me, before looking back into the water, seemingly mesmerized.

Aang closed his eyes, "This feels familiar... so tranquil... It reminds me of Tui and La's pool in the Northern Water Tribe. Be respectful, everybody. This is a very spiritual place."

I took out my phone and sat down on the ground, "I'm always respectful, don't worry about it," I frowned and looked down at my phone, "Hey, do spiritual places not have any service? I feel like I'm living in the olden days," I smacked my phone, "It's not working."

       Katara crossed her arms and looked at me, "Aang just said this was a spiritual place, (Y/N). You can live without your phone."

       Sokka sat down next to me and took out his phone, ignoring Katara, "I don't have service either. What am I supposed to do?"

       Zuko took out his phone and glanced down at it, "Yeah, I'm service-less as well," he frowned, "I hope Uncle is okay. He can't contact me if I don't have service."

       "I'm sure he's fine, Zuko," I gritted my teeth, "He probably has service," I laid down on the grass, "What do people do without technology?"

       Sokka hit his phone against the ground and sighed, "I don't know."

       Aang squeezed his eyes tighter and his brows furrowed, "Spirits don't have technology."

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