Chapter Eighteen

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So, we met these pirates. 

They were really weird. 

I don't want to relive those moments.

Also, somehow Zuko got a watertribe necklace. I have no idea how, but I'm guessing it belongs to Katara. 

What he's going to do with it? I have no idea don't ask me.

Another day at sea, without a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful day. 

Zuko and I stood on the deck looking out into the sky. 

Iroh approached us, "There's a big storm coming."

"What are you talking about?" Zuko said, "there's not a cloud in the sky."

I took out my phone and checked the weather, "no, your Uncle is right," I showed Zuko my phone.

Iroh nodded, "We should change course."

"No," Zuko said firmly, "The Avatar is heading this way, and so should we."

"What about the crew's safety?" I said as Lieutenant Jee (one of the ship's crew) stepped onto the deck. 

"Finding the Avatar is far more important than any individual's safety."

"Ouch," I said as Zuko stormed down to his room. 

Jee glared at Zuko. Iroh went to reassure him, "Don't worry, Jee. He doesn't mean it."

I laughed dryly, "Yeah, he does."


It was pouring

"Look at that Prince Zuko," Jee was saying, "there's a storm after all," he said in a mocking tone.

Zuko wasn't going to like that. 

"You better learn respect," Zuko jabbed two fingers into the Jee's chest.

Jee looked pissed, "Respect? That's rich coming from you, of all people. You talk to everyone like you're above it all. You don't know shit about respect. You barely show that you care about anyone but yourself."

Zuko glanced at me, "I care about people," he said softly. Then he grew angry again, and he stood in a fighting stance, signifying that he was ready to firebend. 

"Zuko," I said sternly, "calm down and walk it off."

He glanced at Jee then back at me before yelling in frustration and walking down to his room. I sighed. Jee stormed away as well.

Later, I was walking with Iroh. 

"I just don't get it," I was saying, "he's changed so much. He used to be so," I paused, "fun, lighthearted, caring."

Iroh nodded, "(Y/N), you of all people should understand how hard Zuko's life has been. It's not fun to be disgraced by your own father."

"Don't I know it, Iroh."

We came across Jee ranting to the rest of the crew, his back turned to us, "... I am sick of taking the Prince's orders. Who does he think he is?"

Iroh approached them, "do you really want to know?"

Jee turned around to face us, "General, (Y/N), I'm so-"

I waved my hand cutting him off, "We're not Zuko. Don't worry about it."

Iroh nodded, "may we join you?"

"Of course."

Iroh and I sat down with the crew. Iroh's expression turned solemn, "try to understand, my nephew is complicated. He's been through a lot. (Y/N)?"

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