Chapter Six

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The first day of the school week and also the bane of my existence. 

I groaned and heaved myself off the bed. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and washed my hair. Then I exited the bathroom to find something to wear. I settled on a white shirt with a red dragon design on it, paired with black leggings. I put on a chain and tied my hair into a high ponytail. Then I went to open the door, only to see Zuko about to knock on it, holding an apple.

He was already ready. 

Gray sweatpants and a black fitted shirt. His outfits are so simple, but he looked so good. 

I shook my head, stop daydreaming about the prince

He smiled at me, "you're actually ready on time? That's a first," he handed me the apple, "you can eat it on the way, come on."

We got into the car (I convinced the weirdo to stop taking a limo to school). 

"Did you do the math homework?" I asked Zuko. 

"There was math homework?"  he started panicking, "I cannot fail math, I'm so screwed."

I laughed, "no, there's no math homework. I just think it's funny when you go in panic mode."

He glared at me, "you suck."

I pouted, "words hurt Zuko."

"Shut up, (Y/N)"

I laughed and punched his arm, "lighten up, Zuko."

He tensed, "I am light!"

"Yeah ok... Oh! I have a question,"


"Do you need to have the stick up your ass surgically removed, or?"

He picked up his bag and chucked it at me. I swiftly dodged it and looked at him in shock, "you could have killed me!"

"With a backpack? Ok, (Y/N)."

I laughed, picked up the backpack, and chucked it at his face. He held his forehead, "OW! That actually hurt!"

I chuckled, "ow! that actually hurt!" I mocked him. 

He rolled his eyes and punched my arm. I punched him back, he used his feet to kick my shoes. I kicked him back. He hit my head and I lunged for him. Soon, we were wrestling in the backseat. Then, the car came to a sudden stop, sending us hurtling off the seats. I hit my head on the front seat. 

"We're here," the driver grunted. 

I rubbed my head, "well no shit."

Zuko opened the door, and helped me out of the car, "are you ok?"

I laughed, "nothing I can't handle. It's nothing."

He looked guilty, "I feel bad."

"Oh no! Don't feel bad, I'll get you back in class today," I winked and walked away. 


Period One. Chemistry. 

I sat in the back, playing games on my phone, because what else would I do in an advanced chemistry class? Besides the period ends in like a minute.

Mr.Lee peered at me from the front desk, and I knew that he knew I was on my phone. 


I groaned, "yes, Mr.Lee?"

"Can you answer the question on the board for us?"

"Ugh, I don't know... can I?" HA! I can use teacher jokes. 

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