Chapter Twenty-Five

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I bought us a hotel room. The receptionist looked at me, then she looked back at Zuko, who was carrying an unconscious Iroh. 

I laughed, "Oh, we were just celebrating.... he had a little to much to drink if you catch my drift."

The receptionist smiled and nodded handing us a keycard for our room. Zuko hoisted Iroh onto one of the beds, and I threw our backpacks onto the floor. 

I sighed and turned on the bathroom sink, giving myself a seemingly unlimited source of water. I coated my hands in the liquid and continued healing Iroh. Zuko stood over his Uncle, clearly worried. 

I removed my hand, "His wound is completely healed. He should wake up in the morning."

Zuko nodded.

"Well," I got up and stretched, "That was a lot for one day, and it's only 5 o'clock," I looked at our bags which were running low on snacks and such.

"(Y/N), wait," Zuko grabbed my arm.

I yawned and looked back at him, "Yes?"


I shot him a weak smile, "Don't worry about it," I glanced at our bags then back at Zuko and sighed, "I'm going to take a shower, and then find a mall. Go to a Parget or something like that get some more supplies, and find a food court for dinner," I paused, "Do you want to come with?"

He smiled, "Yeah. That sounds nice. Uh, but can I take a shower before we go too?"

I laughed, "Sure, Zuko. But, me first."

"But you always use up all the hot water!"

"You're a firebender. I'm sure you can heat up the water if you need."

He groaned, but he knew I was right.

I was already wearing a white crop top with leggings so I went into my bag and got out an oversized black shirt and grey sweatpants. I brought it with me into the bathroom, along with a hairbrush, and shut the door. I looked myself in the mirror and sighed. I took a quick shower and dried myself off. I put on my sweatpants and my oversized shirt and brushed my hair out. I removed all the water from my hair and put it into the sink. I sighed and opened the door. Zuko was standing right in front of the door, on his phone. 

"Uh... Hi?" I said.

"Oh! (Y/N), you're finished," he hoisted himself off the ground and walked into the bathroom, holding a pair of sweatpants and a redshirt. 

He got out of the shower twenty minutes later, his hair still wet. 

He grabbed his phone and put on his sneakers, which were falling apart, much like mine. We should probably buy new ones when we go to the mall. 

"So," Zuko said once we were outside, "Where's the mall?"

"How would I know? We just got to this town. Look it up on your phone."

"Alright," he took out his phone and went on the maps app, "looks like the nearest mall is a thirty-minute walk."

"Thirty minutes? I'm not walking for that long."

"Well, what do you suggest we do?"

"Uh, call a Duber?"

"Huh. Yeah, that seems smart," he took out his phone and downloaded the Duber app. He called a Duber which came in about 5 minutes. It was only an eight-minute drive to the mall. We thanked the Duber Driver and walked into the mall.

I sighed, "We really need to get a drivers license so we can buy a car."

"Why do we need licenses'? We both know how to drive."

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