Chapter Twenty-Six

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Zuko, Iroh, and I were walking through the woods, again. We were trying to get to the next town but I had no service and my phone was bugging out. 

"Which way, (Y/N)?" Zuko asked. 

"Give me a second," I refreshed the page on my phone.

"You've been saying that for the past 10 minutes," Zuko rolled his eyes. 

"What am I supposed to do? Somehow force my phone to get service??"

"Well, you should do something."

"Shut up! I'm trying!" I waved my phone around, and I finally got a bar of service, "Oh! Look," I glared at Zuko, "It's working. Okay... so the nearest place to eat is a tavern. So, keep walking," I pointed forward. 

Iroh groaned, "How much longer? I'm in so much pain," he sighed theatrically.

Zuko looked at him uneasily, "Maybe we can sit down and rest for a few minutes."

I sighed, "If you insist."

Iroh grinned. 

Suddenly we heard something shift in the leaves. We all stood in a defensive position. Iroh looked disappointed and annoyed, "What now?"

I heard a growl and a group of five rhino's approached us, surrounding us on all sides. Atop of the rhinos were fire nation soldiers. 

"Hey! I know you guys," I said, "You're the Rough Riders."

Iroh smiled, "Colonel Mongke! What a pleasant surprise!"

The Colonel looked at Iroh with disdain, "If you're surprised we're here then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps."

Zuko glared at the Colonel, "You know these guys? " He asked Iroh.

"Sure. Colonel Mongke and the Rough Riders are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapons specialist," Iroh said.

I raised my hand, "I have a question."

The Colonel looked at me like I was insane, "Why are you raising your hand?"

"Because," I put my hand down, "I have a question. Anyway," I gestured to the rhinos, "What's with the rhinos? Do you guys really want to travel around the globe on komodo rhinos? I doubt that's comfortable, and besides... definitely not efficient. You guys should really invest in a car. Maybe a nice SUV or minivan. It would probably be faster."

The Colonel and the rest of the Rough Riders glared at me. Mongke rolled his eyes, "Enough stalling! Round 'em up!"

"I wasn't stalling, it was a valid question-" I said, being cut off by a man throwing his spike ball thing at me, which I swiftly dodged, I blasted a strategic blow of fire back at the man, knocking him off his Rhino and causing him to hit his head and knock out. 

A fullscale battle started. 

One of the Riders lunged at me, I sidestepped him and he ended up crashing into a tree trunk. He got up, shook his head, and stood in a defensive stance, daring me to attack. I sighed and coated my fingers with ice. I used the ice as daggers, pinning him back to the tree. Then I swiftly hook kicked his head, knocking him out.

I looked back at Zuko and Iroh, who were both fighting Colonel Mongke. It looked like they were winning, but I really wanted to leave. I raised my hand, and Colonel Mongke's limbs went rigid. Zuko looked back at me, "(Y/N)! You're taking the fun out of it!"

"Shut up and run, these people won't be knocked out for long."

Zuko and Iroh nodded started running. 

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