Chapter Fifty-Six

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Zuko sighed, looking out into the distance, his hands gripping Appa's reigns. 

"Zuko," I said, "Aang's going to be fine. Focus on Azula."

"How'd you know I was worried about him?"

I slid down to Appa's head and put my head on Zuko's shoulder, "Because, I know you."

Sozin's Comet loomed in the distance. 

I turned my attention to the comet.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I sighed.

Zuko looked at me, "It's not the only one."

I blushed and laid back on Appa.

After some time, we arrived at the main Plaza of the Fire Nation. Azula wore traditional Fire Lord Robes, but she had a simple pair of leggings and a red, fire-proof, shirt underneath it. 

She was surrounded by Fire Sages. 

I turned to Zuko, "Is this... her coronation?"

Zuko nodded, "Looks like it."

"Well," I grinned, Not anymore."

Zuko landed Appa and we jumped off the bison's back. Azula looked at us in disdain.

Zuko looked determined, "Sorry, but you're not gonna become Fire Lord today. I am."

Azula laughed, "You're hilarious."

I stepped back into a fighting stance, "Azula," I chided, "I wouldn't have that much confidence. You're outnumbered and outmatched."

"Fine. Let's settle this," She turned to Zuko, "Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!"

"Ha," I laughed, "As if Zuko would be stupid enough to face you alone-"

"You're on," Zuko said. 

I turned to him in shock, "Dude, what the fuck?"


"Shut up! She's clearly trying to trick you into facing her without me! I can use bloodbending and we would win this fight in a second. You cannot be this stupid."

"No," Zuko said, "You know Azula. Look at her. Something is very wrong with her right now. I can take her."

I turned around and waved my hand, "It's your funeral."

Azula grinned as she saw me walking away, "I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother."

"No you're not," Zuko said. 

Azula attacked him and they entered a heated duel. 

I watched intently.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID. 


I answered the phone, "What's up?"

"You answered? Did you already beat Azula?" Katara asked. 

"No. Zuko's facing her by himself."

"What? Wasn't the whole point of you going so you could help him?"

"It's hard to explain. How's Aang?  Did he make it? Is he facing Ozai?"

"Yeah," Katara sounded worried, "It's getting really heated on this front. I-It's getting kind of scary. I'm worried."

"Don't worry about it, Kat. I'm sure-"

"Oh, I'll show you lightning!" I heard Azula yell. 

Blazing: An Avatar AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora