Chapter Fifty-Seven

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This chapter contains mature themes and strong language that may not be suitable for younger readers. 

Zuko was putting on his traditional Fire Nation robes. 

I sighed and laid back in his bed, "Today's the day Prince Zuko without the Prince becomes Fire Lord Zuko, isn't it?"

Zuko groaned, "These robes are so hard to put on! Why can't I just wear a tux?"

"It's a traditional ceremony, Zuko. You wear traditional clothes. Besides," I got up and walked to his closet, opening it to reveal a tuxedo, "You can change after the ceremony. You know, for the after-party."

"I guess you're right," he finished putting on his robes and turned to me, "What about you? You're still in your pajamas."

"Oh," I looked down at my clothes, "I guess you're right, but that's only because I had my makeup done this morning," I had laid down three dresses on the bed. I looked at Zuko, "Which one should I wear? I gestured to the dresses. 

Zuko kept his eyes on me, "The red one. It makes you look sexy."


"What?" He grinned and walked towards me, "I can't call my girlfriend sexy?"

My face turned red.

Zuko laughed and pinned me against his wall, "Do you think we have time," he moved his lips to my neck, "For a little fun?"

I bit my lip and pressed myself against his body. He moved to kiss me but my phone rang. We both jumped at the sound. 

Zuko looked pissed, but I answered the phone. It was Katara. 

 "What do you want, Kat?"

"Where are you and Zuko? His coronation starts in twenty minutes!"

"Oh," I groaned, "Shit. We're on our way."

I hung up the phone and looked at Zuko, "Apparently, we don't have time," I slipped out of my clothes, earning a smile from Zuko. 

"Hey," I said, "Eyes up here."

He pouted, but I just smiled and grabbed the red dress, slipping it on. the dress was tight, but formal at the same time. I brushed my hair and grabbed Zuko's hand. 

"Come on," I said, dragging him, "Let's go."

He pulled my hand back and wrapped his free arm around my waist. 

"Zuko," I said, "What are you doing? We have to go to your-"

He kissed me for some time, before pulling away. 

He smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too," I grabbed his arm again, "But, it's time to go!"

We met Aang in front of the doors. 

Aang was looking down at his phone. He looked up when he saw us, "Guys! Where have you been? The ceremony starts..." he looked at his phone, "In like two minutes!"

I sighed, "We're here now, aren't we?"

Aang nodded. 

Zuko looked slightly nervous as he turned to Aang, "I can't believe a year ago my purpose in life was hunting you down. And now..." 

"And now we're friends," Aang smiled. 

"I can't believe a year ago I was still frozen in a block of ice. The world's so different now," Aang said. 

"Life has changed so much in the course of the last few years for me. I mean, I was in high school and my biggest problem was some bending tournament... now... here we are. Saving the world," I sighed, "I'm glad I met you, Aang."

Zuko and Aang smiled. 

"Ready?" I asked. 

They both nodded. 

I pushed open the huge double doors and walked out into the crowd.

Everyone cheered at the sight of Zuko, Aang, and I.

A fire sage met us and bowed to Zuko, Aang, and I. 

Zuko knelt. 

The Fire Sage put a headpiece on Zuko's head, "All hail Fire Lord Zuko!"

Zuko stood up, receiving cheers and applause from the crowd.

It's a new era.


The after-party wasn't anything special. Zuko and I slipped up to his room early. 

Zuko and I sat down on his bed.

"Everything happened so fast," Zuko said.

"I know, Fire Lord Zuko."

Zuko's face turned red, "Don't call me that! We're dating!"

I got up and bowed, "Anything for you, my Lord."

Zuko put his finger on my chin and lifted my head, making me face him. 

The expression on his face was dangerous. 

"Anything?" Zuko smirked. 

I gulped, "Uh..."

"Too late to take it back now," Zuko grinned and pulled me into him, letting us both fall onto his bed. He kissed me passionately. 

I smiled when he pulled away. 

"What?" He asked, "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Nothing, it's just that... so much has changed, you know? I like this. Us."

Zuko grinned, "I like us too," he pulled me in for another kiss. 


"So," I laid back on Zuko's bed, struggling to catch my breath, "What now? We're still teenagers. I want to go to school. College. You know?"

Zuko perked up, "I was hoping you'd say that," he got out of the bed and walked to his drawer and pulled out his laptop. He cued up a document, "Here!" He gestured towards the document. 

I blinked and looked at him, "I'm not reading that."

"Oh," he grinned, "Basically, Aang and I don't know what we're going to do with the colonies yet, and we were going to put those plans on hold for a bit... but, these are the plans for the first internation college. Basically it's going to be in the fire nation, but it's accepting applications from all over the world. I mean, we can go to school. I need to learn how to run a nation, you know? And Sokka, Katara, Toph, Aang... we'll be busy, yeah, but I think we should all go to school."

"Aang and Toph are 15," I said.

"They're talented for their age! And he's the Avatar! I'm sure if he applied he'll get in!"

I laughed, "I'm teasing."

Zuko smiled, "It's already being constructed, and applications are due in six months. The college opens in a year."

"So fast," I said. 

Zuko smiled, "That's kind of the point."

"So," I said, "We're going back to school?"

Zuko grinned, "We're going back to school."

End of Part One

(A/N): This story will be going on a short break. Part One of the book is over. The next part will feature a time skip and be more modern college life. Please be tuned for me to exploit the moderness of this AU! We will see the return of some characters, as well as be able to see Katara, Toph, Sokka, and Aang in a more modernized setting. 

That is all. 

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