Chapter Seventy-Five

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Zuko and I woke Aang early the next morning and we walked away from the rest of the group to explain what we had just discovered. 

Aang looked over the edge of the cliff we were standing on, seeping in what we had just told him, "I can't believe it."

"It makes sense of so much of my life! That's why Ozai was able to banish me without a second thought! I'm not his son," Zuko exclaimed. 

I shook my head, "It doesn't make sense, Zuko! You look like him. And why would he hide from the world that you weren't his son? If he truly couldn't stand you, why would he let you hold the title of "Prince"? I... I don't think I believe it."

Aang thought for a moment, "If you're not his son, why didn't he just get rid of you permanently?"

Zuko clutched the letter tighter in his hands and looked at it, "He was about to! The night before my mother left, my grandfather commanded my father to take my life as punishment for asking for Iroh's birthright. Ozai didn't even argue. He was just going to do it."

   "But he didn't! You're still here!" Aang exclaimed. 

   "My mother must have stopped him somehow," Zuko mused. 

"Zuko," I said, causing him to look in my direction, "Something isn't adding-" I cut myself off as my eyes met his. They were soft. They were hopeful. He didn't want Ozai to be his father. I sighed, "Nevermind."

Aang looked uncertain, "I don't know about all this, Zuko. It can't be true! Or, at least, it shouldn't be!"

   "Why? All night, I've had this odd sense of ... hope," Zuko said. 

There it was.

Aang looked like he was about to say something, but I cut him off, "Zuko," I said softly touching his cheek and turning his head towards me, "The question isn't whether or not Ozai is your father."

   "Then what is it?" He breathed.

"Zuko... You're the Fire Lord because you're Ozai's son. That would be your birthright if, and only if, you are Ozai's son. Without that," I stroked his cheek with my thumb, "Who would be the rightful heir to the throne?"

As if on cue, Azula emerged from the underbrush beneath us in a burst of flames, catching us all off guard. I jumped away from Zuko and tripped over a branch, hitting my head on the ground.

    "Ow," I rubbed my head and spots appeared in my vision. 

"There you are!" Azula screeched, "She told you to steal that letter out of my boot, didn't she?! Give it back! I'm not letting her win! " She lunged for Zuko.

Her eyes were crazed again. 

   "Where's Katara and Sokka?! What'd you do to them?!" Aang yelled.

   "She's not going to get away with this!" Azula ignored him.


   "Go check on them, Aang! I can handle Azula!" Zuko yelled. 

Aang nodded and ran off. 

"Give it back! GIVE IT BACK!" Azula screamed at Zuko, lunging to attack him again. I got up, brushed myself off, and raised my hands, forcing Azula's hands to her sides. She fell down with a thump, inches away from the edge of the cliff, "You need to learn your place, Princess Azula. I don't know how many times," I constricted the vessels on her neck, "I need to tell you this," I released her. 

   "She made you do this, didn't she! Huh?! Answer me! "

Zuko looked at his sister on the ground, "From the day you were born, you've put me through so much!" He lifted her up by the color of the red shirt she was wearing, "Why, Azula?! Why'd our relationship have to be like this?!" His voice was strained, "The only consolation I had growing up was," he turned his head towards me. Despite the situation, he managed a small smile before turning back to his sister. 

"Was this her plan all along? Is she whispering in your ear right now to throw me over the cliff?!" Azula yelled. 

"You're not making any sense!" Zuko yelled. I stepped forward to bend Azula, but Zuko shot me a look. 

His eyes pierced into mine, communicating without words: stand down

I looked at him and cocked my head. Not opening my mouth, but still managing to ask him a silent question. Are you sure?

Zuko nodded and I relaxed. 

"All my life, she's kept me from my true destiny! Don't deny it, Zuko! She told you I had the letter hidden in my boot! She told you to wait until I was asleep-" Azula stopped herself, "Wait a minute. You've had the letter all night. Why didn't you burn it when you had the chance? Tell me, dear brother. Why?"

Zuko let Azula go and she grabbed the letter, sitting down on the floor. Zuko paced near her before walking over to me. He stood in front of me, looking down into my eyes.

   "Zuko, are you okay?"

Zuko leaned forward and put his head on my shoulder. I instinctively put my hand in his hair. 

   "I'm exhausted," he murmured into my shoulder. 

I nodded and stroked his jet black hair, feeling the strands move in my fingers. 

   "It's almost like you want me to have it!" Azula said. 

Zuko let out a small sigh and lifted his head. He looked at me once more, pressing his lips to my forehead. Then, he turned to Azula, "Look. We can spend the rest of the day- the rest of our lives- fighting each other, but it won't get us any closer to Mother. We need to work together. No more fighting until we finish what we came here for. Agreed?"

   Azula smiled, "Oh, Zuzu ... are you actually on my side?"

Zuko's face clouded over with uncertainty before he shook his head and turned away from Azula, "Let's go join the rest of the group."

The three of us walked back to Aang, Katara, and Sokka in silence. Zuko and I exchanged a few looks, and he leaned on me as we walked, but no one said anything. 

   "Aang! Are we ready to leave?" Zuko called out when we saw our friends.

   "Your sister set fire to half the landscape!" Aang exclaimed.

"Even with Aang's help, it took us until now to put everything out!" Katara crossed her arms, "Maybe if a certain Bibender offered her help, we would have been quicker."

   I laughed, "Come on, Kat. Would you rather me leave Azula unattended?"

   Zuko glanced at me, "She wasn't- I was there!"

   I shuddered, "Worse."

   Before Zuko could protest, Sokka glared at Azula, "Nature hates you."

    Aang composed himself, "So, uh... you guys aren't fighting anymore?" He glanced at Azula. 

   "We've arrived at an understanding," Zuko said.

"That's what you said when this whole thing started! Since then she's tried to kill us, like, twelve times!"

   "Don't worry cuz," I slapped Sokka's back, "I'm here to save your ass."

   Zuko laughed and shook his head, getting on Appa's saddle, "Come on. Time to go to Hira'a."

   Azula followed him, "Are you louts coming or not?"

"Who the hell uses insults like lout?" I rolled my eyes and sat next to Zuko.

Zuko laid down on my lap and stared up at the sky as the rest of the team got on Appa. 

I glanced down at Zuko as the wind blew in our faces, "You're nothing like him, you know."



   Zuko smiled and closed his eyes, "Thank you, (Y/N). I love you."

   I stroked Zuko's hair and looked straight ahead, "I love you too, Zuko."

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